ARYC is EXTREMELY UNDERVALUED!!!! @Arrayit .0008!!!! Per share!!!!!! Volume increased this past week. A recap of updates from Arrayit Corporation, ARYC. Despite the Market Cap ($820k)being only a small fraction of its earnings, this is why ARYC is set for a meteoric rise in share price very soon. Please do DD and realize where this stock price is headed.
Arrayit one-day microarray services quotes top $1,000,000 as $5M credit line $1.3B AFFX buyout drive customers to microarray leader ARYC.
Arrayit quotes $890,000 microarray services to leading New York academic institution as microarray industry gets $1.3B Thermo Fisher boost.
Arrayit quotes $104,000 TissueMax™ Personal Tissue Microarrayer to leading India distributor