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07/25/06 9:09 PM


No, the embarassment is that there would be no IR department to which a link could be made.

During the most important 10 day period in this company's history, the only person available to speak with investors was the infamous "Lady in New Jersey." Meanwhile, bigdaddy was making such memorable posts as the one in which he said that his insider connections had assured him that several PR's would be released over the next few days, and that those announcements would make shareholders VERY happy. (Total, unadulterated BS.) The cumulative effect of IR being a "no show" and the pumpers raising expectations each day was devestating, and I believe that a significant opportunity was lost.

Why doesn't IR stand and deliver? I can only conclude that management is:

(1) Incapable of handling investor relations in a professional manner (due to a lack of staff or expertise, the need to focus on more important and timely issues, or whatever); and/or

(2) Since managment is apparently not required to go back to Ms. Chassman with its hat in hand (at the present time), management is simply unconcerned with the pps or the bagholders ("let them eat cake").

I have a novel idea: Perhaps Steve Burg could spend less time chatting with shareholders, and use that time to prepare some PR's which bring the investing world up to date on the activities of Xechem.

As it is, until finalization of the UPS loan is announced, there is NOTHING whatsoever to prevent the continuing downward spiral in XKEM's shareprice.

Before you dismiss my comments as the ramblings of a basher, please understand that by XKEM bag is holding 3 million shares.



07/25/06 11:40 PM


try to get Steve to answer the phone or return a call, now thats a joke