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05/04/16 11:24 AM

#1561 RE: otcwhiz #1560

otcwhiz, stop vomiting the OTC Short Report on the DNRG board. It's a useless report for showing shorting activity.

The OTC Short Report is simply regurgitating the FINRA daily reg sho list, which is only reporting the first "half" of transactions. The other half of those transactions are finalized during, after the trading day, or several days after the trading day. That's why you see 40-80% shorting action; it's incomplete data that may or may not get resolved by the time the daily list is posted.

Have you ever stopped and even remotely considered that the FINRA bi-weekly report isn't even in the same universe as the OTC Short report? It's because the bi-weekly report aggregates the daily numbers with completed transactions, and therefore uses CORRECT AND COMPLETE information.

Using the OTC Short Report to proclaim "SHORTS!" is pumping, pure and simple. It's useless to investors, and makes you look foolish.

Having said all of that, I agree with you that DNRG has to keep this above a penny. It's psychologically damaging to see it below that point.


05/04/16 11:30 AM

#1562 RE: otcwhiz #1560

I agree, if you look at it just on a proprietary technology/

level, there is no way anybody can justify this price. This is a new
FC technology that is proven now. If this was on amex, this kind of news would have moved this .07 easily.imho

Consider in 90 days Rubicon will be functional and that means funding
will have to be in place to deploy it. It also means that they start the process of generating revenue. Why would you short something that once
a Pr is released validates all the projects. Meaning, in 90 days, not only is the 50mgw project underway and funded....but all the other contracts
become valid. Meaning 300 million in orders. I don't care if this has 300 million shares, the pps would be ten times this price. How can one
justify the current pps based on the logical progression here,

The market is suppose to price things 6 months in advance. That would mean it should already include the 50 million dollar contract(current ppa) and should be close to including the next project.

For the life of me, there are many other otc stocks to short with zero
risk. Why risk the kind of news shorts are currently? 90 days, this
becomes fully operational with funding , proven technology,and 300 million in guaranteed projects. Doesn't make sense to short for a penny, when they could go long for .25-.30....

Not to mention that now that they will be deployed and are operational, a government contract is considered gold. They could borrow against the contract and eliminate notes. If you read fresh, he alluded to it.

Yesterday validated a lot of things, except for the continued manipulation here. Now that the tech is proven, they can sell to anybody in the world. This is not just a power Africa product. That alone should add even more to the pps. This is very manipulative trading. Now that this is legit, it will take one hedge fund to accum and push this to .25 and blow away the shorts....could happen....



05/04/16 11:30 AM

#1563 RE: otcwhiz #1560

I agree, if you look at it just on a proprietary technology/

level, there is no way anybody can justify this price. This is a new
FC technology that is proven now. If this was on amex, this kind of news would have moved this .07 easily.imho

Consider in 90 days Rubicon will be functional and that means funding
will have to be in place to deploy it. It also means that they start the process of generating revenue. Why would you short something that once
a Pr is released validates all the projects. Meaning, in 90 days, not only is the 50mgw project underway and funded....but all the other contracts
become valid. Meaning 300 million in orders. I don't care if this has 300 million shares, the pps would be ten times this price. How can one
justify the current pps based on the logical progression here,

The market is suppose to price things 6 months in advance. That would mean it should already include the 50 million dollar contract(current ppa) and should be close to including the next project.

For the life of me, there are many other otc stocks to short with zero
risk. Why risk the kind of news shorts are currently? 90 days, this
becomes fully operational with funding , proven technology,and 300 million in guaranteed projects. Doesn't make sense to short for a penny, when they could go long for .25-.30....

Not to mention that now that they will be deployed and are operational, a government contract is considered gold. They could borrow against the contract and eliminate notes. If you read fresh, he alluded to it.

Yesterday validated a lot of things, except for the continued manipulation here. Now that the tech is proven, they can sell to anybody in the world. This is not just a power Africa product. That alone should add even more to the pps. This is very manipulative trading. Now that this is legit, it will take one hedge fund to accum and push this to .25 and blow away the shorts....could happen....