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05/12/16 10:37 AM

#16612 RE: BigBadWolf #16609

Speaking of which, did you see these low lives news today?

They have the nerve to exploit the earthquake in Ecuador and the fires in Fort McMurray as a means to get attention...

We all know they are not supplying any houses to any catastrophe victims, therefore why mention Ecuador and Fort McMurray??? ? To pump the stock, thats why.

Disgusting. No moral fibre whatsoever. The sad part is, they actually believe its okay to do so.

Thats the type of people managing this fake company while dumping moral compass whatsoever.

From the looks of it, they have abandoned the solar sector, after failing yet again.

I'm beginning to realize the business strategy for this group is to fake it for as long as possible while claiming to be a start up, then switch to another business model and claim to be another start up, before failing yet again... This way they never actually have to show progress. A professional loser. How does someone live with them self ?

Atlantic had everything going for it at one time. It takes a real idiot to screw that opportunity up, while having to rip off partners, employees, even family, etc etc, to make a buck.

I'm worried for the investors.