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04/30/16 11:46 AM

#70998 RE: lesgetrich #70991

Regarding Merchant fees, MCIG said they were going to revolutionize everything but offering bitcoin for transactions. I remember that PR.

FAct #1 - no one is required to PR /disclose future sales. However, MCIG has done this at every turn. They have PR'd /disclosed SEVERAL opportunities many with $ amounts attached to them, that have not come to fruition. There Modus Operandi is to PR this stuff, so why all of a sudden do we expect them not to PR when they land contracts?

Doesn't really make sense, that they PR'd 7m revenue forecasts, Cannapods, CAAFS, security company acquisition and none of these either came to fruition or were even landed.


05/01/16 6:28 AM

#71002 RE: lesgetrich #70991

Irrelevant Fact #1
"All construction companies require a deposit. How else can they be expected to pay for materials and subcontractors to begin construction. mCig has not disclosed the amounts of the deposits. You haven't given an example of any construction company that has PR'd the amount of their deposits ahead of their financials. Why should mCig? Because you clamor every day for it? There is no requirement for them to do so... "

Actual Relevant FactNoone ever said there was a requirement to specify a deposit.

Totally irrelevant. It was me who originally pointed out that deposits are customary for closing the sale on construction contracts. When these construction projects were announced back in September 2015 - the forward looking announcements indicated that the construction deals were NOT closed on. As I indicated back then, taking in deposits is a sign that a sales deal has been closed on.


MCIG's grow division is also seeing great traction in Q2:

-- The company is in the engineering phase (phase 1 of 2) for a 10,000
square foot facility in Maryland, with an estimated construction cost
of $513,000.00 per phase.

-- MCIG's grow division is the sole bidder on a 41,000 square foot
facility in Nevada with a total estimated construction cost of

-- The grow division was just given the "go ahead" to start engineering
on a 10,000 square foot cultivation site in Southern California,
including a warehouse conversion with 24 interior pods on Native
American land.

-- MCIG is gaining traction with our recently announced MCIG CannaPods
2.0 turn-key pods. The company is drafting an initial order for 3
pods, with 37 more to follow for a total of 40 pods.



Irrelvant Fact #2

"Construction (Mechanics) liens are available in every state and are routinely exercised by contractors when a customer refuses to pay on time. They entitle the contractor to put a lien on the customer's property for any work performed..."

Actual Relevant Fact - liens would not apply to written contingencies
A mechanics lien would not apply to any contingencies that are written into the contract. So, again, if there are written contingenies that allow the client to back out of the deal because they couldn't pre-lease cultivation space, then MCIG would only get the deposit. As I stated before, MCIG likely made concessions regarding the deposit just like CAFS did back in the day (where you were wrong about). So, deposits are likely $0 or closer to $0. If MCIG specified what the deposit amounts were, we wouldn't be discussing this at all.

Irrelevant Fact # 3
"It's useless to argue about the number of dispensaries contracted to sell Rollies since Rollies are not yet available for sale. However, you have no inside information on how many dispensaries have pre-ordered or expressed interest in ordering them. "

Actual Relevant Fact - there are 0 MJ Dispensary Accounts. If so, where ARE THEY?
There is no argument about the fact that 0 Rollies have been sold because, in fact, none have been actually sold. We all know that rollies are not for sale - because all there is are pretty pictures. NONE have been pre-ordered, and MCIG has 0 MJ Dispensary Retail Accounts. Just like it's a fact that there are 0 regular retail brick and mortar accounts. Proof? Where are they? RFLMAO. I challenge you to find the names, addresses, and phone numbers of these Retailers - either MJ Dispensary accounts or regular retail accounts. RFLMAO. There are none. 0. Nada. ZERO. I challenged you to produce names and numbers months ago. You never have responded. Why is that? Hmmmmmm....LMAO. Won't be holding my breath.

In addition, why wouldn't MCIG publish the names, addresses, phone numbers, and websites of these MJ Dispensary accounts??? That's called marketing.

Irrelevant Fact #4
"95 sales reps were never contracted to sell CannaPods. "

Actual Fact - noone ever said 95 boots on the ground were hired to sell specifically Cannapods.

And, again, you missed the point. It was Paul who implied that there were "95 boots on the ground" selling MCIG product and services.

I questioned how Paul came up with those numbers, as many other people have, because the actual productivity of actually selling product and services did not correlate with those absurdly high numbers of salesman.

How is it that 95 boots on the ground end up with the following productivity?
0 Snoody SuperCritical CO2 Extractors
0 Emotek Extractors
0 Cannapods
0 down from 2 US Wholesale Distributors
0 Regular Retail Brick and Mortar Accounts
0 MJ Brick and Mortar Retail Accounts

You missed the entire point of me noting that 0 rollies have been sold, that there are 0 MJ Dispensary Accounts, and the fact that MCIG is down to an alleged "5" salesman. MCIG won't sell any rollies in the future if MCIG's alleged 5 salespeople FAIL to sell the 1000's of REQUIRED MJ DISPENSARY ACCOUNTS NEEDED TO ACTUALLY STOCK AND SELL ROLLIES.

In regards to US Based Wholesale Distributors

"We spent about 9 months not only developing our own CBD products, but learning the market, listening to customer feedback and reviews, and building a national retail presence. We currently have more than 3000 clients who have tried our different CBD products and more than 300 open wholesale accounts that are pushing our different product lines to consumers. We continue to distribute the Just Chill brand of products as this is our current number one seller, but we want to have more direct control of the products that we are introducing to our customers. Controlling pricing across the board will allow us to have higher margins and make our business more profitable", said Paul Rosenberg, CEO of mCig, Inc.

MCIG and VTCQ no longer have any US wholesale distributors. JCP Wholesale is gone. And VTCQ slashed Sam's Vapes' throat when they declared VitaStiks were unsafe. What company does that to one of its only two US wholesalers?

VTCQ recently tweeted about new displays

Kinda hard to get onto US brick and mortar Retail shelves when MCIG/VTCQ only has an alleged 5 salespeople and has 0 US wholesale distributors. No cash for commercials, videos, or slotting fees.