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Eli's Gone

04/29/16 10:51 AM

#292011 RE: fourkids_9pets #292006

When two legs of a trade are executed at different price points, BOTH legs are printed to the tape---hence the made up term of "heirs and spares"...

orders that don't meet minimum quote size are always "hidden"---in fact they are known only to the MM handling the order--and are not broadcast to the broader "market"--and will routinely get "bypassed" until another order comes down their particular pike---handled no different than AON orders and potentially will never get filled...

"legit" orders i.e. those of sufficient quote size are ALWAYS displayed if best at a particular MM...


04/29/16 11:47 AM

#292016 RE: fourkids_9pets #292006

Anyone who has watched PTOI for any length of time has seen insider enrichment at the expense of the shareholder.

Is it a coincidence that those that tout the conspiracy theories flat out ignore all of the shadiness and shareholder deception that surrounds this company?

P2O... more like USSE 2.0!!!

A special thanks to pay-to-pump Hans Brost for putting this "company" on the map!