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04/26/16 3:10 PM

#144 RE: buxmaker #143

well, it says $25M in fees for 100 countries within 18-24 months of implementation of first set of countries. So question is, when is implementation planned to take place (and for how many) initial countries? And when does GOHE see the revenue? The 3 entities that established the entity for the service collectively appear to be legit but small. Not trying to rain on the parade, but would be interested in others' input/opinions.


04/26/16 3:17 PM

#145 RE: buxmaker #143

buxmaker, I am not finding any announcements about this, what is your source for the $25 mil? I know that I was told a while back that some very good news would be coming within 20-30 days but I don't see it on my sight.


05/06/16 2:21 PM

#150 RE: buxmaker #143

It *sounds* like good news, and I have a substantial number of shares at a much higher than current price, but I don't have a lot of faith in the reality of this news. While this contract may be in place, it's possible that there are other processors in use, and there seems to be no *guarantee* of business.

What has driven me to great pessimism is the fact that I've never been able to reach an actual human at this company, and they've never responded to any emails, so I am wondering how any company could get in touch with them to do business.

They are in a great market with a huge potential in just needing a very small piece of the pie to be very profitable, but there's no indication that this is a well-run company. Of course, I hope they are successful as I will otherwise have to turn a huge paper loss into a real one, having gotten in at a terrible time.