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04/27/16 10:02 AM

#116744 RE: smakkdaddy #116742

Mmmmmk so....

So, what I took away from the guy at Scottrade was...

To find out if there was any malfeasance (or potential violations) of their own rules of governence, which they typically will lay out themselves...

You will have to get a copy of that "rules of governence" from whichever governing body oversees those rules for a detailed perspectus...

Review said rules of governence and look for violations there within, and if any discrepancies are found, thereafter file a grievence with whatever governing body oversees those rules/and or with the SEC...

Typically, that governing body will be located in and with that particular state which the share are registered...

And I believe in our case, that would be the state of Delaware.

Holy crap.

Anybody out there feeling up to the challenge?

Otherwise, still unclear to me how we vote, since I can't get the new CFO Alexander Arrow to respond to my request for a copy of a ballot...

Clearly he must not be under any legal obligatation to do so...

So I will have to re review our Proxy Statement - Notice of Shareholders Meeting (preliminary) (pre 14a)

Damn, what a pain...

But clearly they make this stuff deliberately difficult, much in the same way that the powers that be try to make it difficult in the overall US general elections for the poor and disenfranchised to vote as well.

So once again I've got to ask...

Anyone out there feeling up to the challenge?

Or are we just going to lay here, on the tracks, and allow ourselves to be railroaded without a fight?

GLTA, except for to those that are doing the railroading