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04/25/16 1:09 PM

#151347 RE: Evil Rabbit #151346

Stop being rational! Only insane conspiracy theories are allowed here. Down with Shorty!!!!


04/25/16 1:10 PM

#151348 RE: Evil Rabbit #151346

In all seriousness, seems like we bottomed.


04/25/16 6:06 PM

#151350 RE: Evil Rabbit #151346

LOL pretty entertaining.

If I was working for Scott you guys would all know exactly what is going on because I would rat him out and expose every scam he is in on.

As I told Dan when he stated that any money given would be taken by scott.... There are whistle blower laws that protect people in his position. If he wanted to come clean he could easily do it and have Scott removed without legal repercussions.

Not to mention if he did come out and actually tell the truth he would be a hero with the shareholders and any stock he was involved with would climb in value

We could only wish I worked with Scott and Dan.