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04/22/16 6:07 PM

#32327 RE: CPTMatt #32326

CPTMatt DNI whatever you're seeing now in the market is just noise from retail Traders from before the reorganization exiting their post-split shares . There are a few that are positioning on the open market, but most are positioning through the current private placement.
Nearly all of the outstanding shares are held closely by a tight group of people who know where this is going and are waiting for DNI to execute their plan, which in my mind will happen near flawlessly and will surprise the market.
From my seat , gold and silver miners have probably gotten a little bit ahead of ourselves and 50/50 could go up or down this summer. For that reason I'm not grabbing anymore Metals companies unless I see a very solid, very near catalyst that is also not seen by everybody else.
As the DNI, I see a rock-bottom opportunity to grab something that is going to go up a lot in value next 6 mths if they execute. My DD leaves me with a 95% chance they're going to execute.
You can find five reasons not to buy this company right now, but when Shares are sitting much higher near-term, none of them will matter.

Ive been out all day but just noticed there are 92k shrs available at .045 and about 50k at .05. In my opinion a gift.

for current prices and Market depth

Everyone do your own DD and these are just my opinions everyone do your own DD and these are just my opinions

Also this is posted from my phone speech to text and I can only see about 20% of my posting hopefully spelling and


04/22/16 6:24 PM

#32328 RE: CPTMatt #32326

C.DNI 0.045 -0.005 -10.00% 0.040 0.045 0.045 0.050 0.035 126K
last change bid ask open high low vol

looks like someone wanted out, low volume sorry bout format