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04/14/16 3:04 PM

#346113 RE: cowtown jay #346111


did you state in your court documents that you were very much involved in the hyping and pumping of the stock of criminal enterprise SPNG with false and misleading facts, while at the same time selling SPNG shares into the market at a substantial profit for you?

or did you conveniently fail to mention this?

"Each. And. Every. Time..." that I put forth a Rule 2004 Exam Application in front of the judge, he approved it. This includes the Exam Application for FINRA's Electronic Blue Sheet trading records regarding SpongeTech's stock transactions.

And when we asked him to deny the SEC's Settlement Agreement with the Trustee, that's what he did.

He approved my appointment as the Estate Representative without my even asking for it, but based solely on the Trustee's recommendation, which he made after talking to me about it.

I'm only going to continue gathering official legal information, when and if the time comes to do so. At this time, I don't feel that I need such information. I have enough.

But I'm watching closely. The government can move quickly, as we see with yesterday's Map IV revocation. I don't trust them to ensure that justice is provided for SpongeTech shareholders. I'll feel better once I see dozens of Relief Defendants named.