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04/14/16 6:16 AM

#116709 RE: javier1973 #116708

Just a guy who's made his final stand, w/an all-in move some three years ago, on a completely dismissed and long forgoten stock...

Have previously pumped and have gotten others hurt...

And have fallen for pumps, and have been hurt.

So now, I've resolved to be the extremely hopeful guy who just doesn't want to see anybody else get hurt by what I might have to say...

If this thing goes to the moon...


And if it doesn't, just as well...

Because at least this time, this one final time, I know that I am doing the right thing, in keeping it real...

Which in my estimation, is priceless.

So I say, let the chips fall where they may, I'm ready for any eventuality.

Hopeful as always and...

Best of luck Javier.