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04/13/16 10:05 PM

#1447 RE: pharmeng #1445

Interesting point that I hadn't considered. Obviously there's a test for determining if one has HIV tropism CCR5 because they've done it for the patients in the trial. Of course, how easy is that test for an HIV patient to get?

This company, Palfir Genetics, can test for CCR5 for $199 (Canadian). The test is a mail in and takes a couple of weeks to process. I find it hard to believe that a clinic or Doctor that deals with HIV patients wouldn't know about this company, or others, that offer simple tests. Additionally, insurance would no doubt pay for a couple hundred dollar test if there was a drug for CCR5 HIV patients.


04/21/16 10:07 PM

#1605 RE: pharmeng #1445

Look into ADAP