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04/13/16 7:23 PM

#54566 RE: PMrz #54564

I am only accusing them of doing what I said they did. I am not a legal expert so I don't know whether or not it was illegal.

It may very well have been legal to do that, but the end result based on the evidence I provided earlier is:

1. The cash for that deal came from the brokerage accounts of ordinary shareholders just days before the deal closed.
2. The cash went to people cozy with JN who then handed it over in exchange for a very toxic promissory note. A note that converts at $.338 a share when the stock was around $3.00 a share at the time of creation. This allowed those people to turn $90,000 into millions.

Which, I believe, is completely unethical.

I made made my email available to the company and IR firm a while ago. If I am incorrect about any facts I will be happy to fix them. I spent a long time researching and putting this together, and believe it to be true. But if they have evidence that is contrary to what I put together, I would be happy to look at it. So far it hasn't been forthcoming.