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07/23/06 3:06 PM

#14805 RE: an old investor #14804

Get lost oldinvestor, are you trying to scare the newbies out of their shares so you can scoop them up on the cheap.

Nord Oil International Inc. is a reporting publicly traded Oil & Gas junior producer, trading under the ticker symbol NDOL on the US Pinksheets market. Nord Oil International operates three wholly owned Russian subsidiaries; Nord Oil Products, Nord Oil Samara and NANA. Nord Oil's properties currently have a total of 33 million barrels of proven and probable reserves and the company plans to acquire additional properties and has an objective of 150 million barrels in proven and probable reserves.


07/23/06 3:18 PM

#14809 RE: an old investor #14804

Nice DD old investor,looks like this Parkens is running 2 scams at the same time( NDOL & AURC) IMHO


07/23/06 3:49 PM

#14811 RE: an old investor #14804

old investor- NOT a WALGREEN'S but a Gas/Convenience Store chain that would be the equivilent to the retail model of choice of most American Major & Independent Oil Companies such as Stop & Go, as most of the time the profit margins on selling gas at the pump is relatively minimal to the extreme profit margins on "food stuffs" sold to hungry & thristy travellers.

So at first glance, it appears that you are attempting to paint a very positive aspect of the company's business model negatively for "some reason..."

Perhaps you are such "an OLD investor" that your reasoning power has diminished if you failed to understand the Russian's true intended meaning when mentioning "food stuffs"??? I'll give you the benefit of a boubt on this issue seeing that you are my elder and I was taught to be respectful.

HOWEVER, judging by the pattern of your recent prolific posting history for a stock you don't own, it is amazing that considering the depth of your "research"... that you could so consistently take a negative slant on facts that most every other INVESTOR sees as positive...

Which leads a sane person to wonder... Why the sudden interest in NDOL & not any of the 10's of thousands of other stocks that you could choose to post your negative opinions about????

Keep up the DD, really "appreciate" all your effort especially condisering you have no "vested interest" in NDOL...

Hmmmm, you MIGHT even find something that really is a negative, which then we can work on providing NDOL management with constructive critism and/or sugget solutions.


07/23/06 5:04 PM

#14821 RE: an old investor #14804

Hey Mr. Investor,

You never answered my questions..

Answer me this, as if it really matters.

Where is "Dr. Matossian" today and what does he do now?

Was he found guilty or was he just "sued" by people like you? LOL

You will be held accountable for every post and if you cant verify or justify your rants, or answer simple questions that YOU have brought to this board, your posts will be deleted as spam.
