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07/23/06 2:54 AM

#8838 RE: JJSeabrook #8836

JJ do the stats that your putting up keep track of the returning listeners of the Mp3



07/23/06 12:20 PM

#8984 RE: JJSeabrook #8836

I would say that is a pretty dang good start.1051 listeners in a couple of days is great exposure.I was fortunate enough to get in at a avg. pps of .227,I rode those up and sold enough to make a nice profit and yet still retain 70,000 free shares.So I am here for the very long term and I truly believe my free shares will make me and more importantly,my family,some serious money long term.By riding free shares,I got nothing to lose.

The next paragraph explains why I shared with Y'all my investment numbers in FHAL.It might show a newbie a option they have open to them and the potential there is,in there future trading endeavors.

If there are any newbies out there reading this.As in being relatively new to the stock market(JJ i know your not).Here is a option,that in my humble opinion is open to ya.If you are worried about what is gonna happen here with FHAL/CVSU,or any other company you may invest in,in the future.If you are up,don't forget to take profit.Don't let greed set in.At least take enough off the table to get your initial investment back.That way you don't have to worry about what happens.You get less gray hair,your antacid bill goes down and ya can sleep well at night.The best part is,ya live to trade another day.If ya want some profit after selling enough to get your initial investment back.Then go ahead and take another 20-25% or whatever profit percentage ya wanna take and then ride your free shares to da moon.That is,if ya feel its going to da moon.
Never forget,profit is always a good thing,no matter how big or how small.Never forget that all your free shares are pure profit,minus Uncle Sam's portion that
I know that formula sounds simple.But it took me a while to learn that concept,when I first started trading.I was learning on the fly.Once I did grasp it and I quit trying to be so dang greedy.My trading went smoother and the pressure of it all went down.Especially when I learned to minimize my losses,but thats another story.
I ain't trying to tell anyone what to do,cause everybody hates that and besides,I am no financial advisor by any term of the difinition.I am just passing along to the newbies,something that someone a long time ago,took the time to share with me.So take it for what its worth.
Happy trading,enjoy the ride and good luck to all.