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04/08/16 12:08 PM

#75190 RE: jscar999 #75189


Ah yes, what a wonderful table of ideas, bro. And Molen will set up some kind of contraption he owns that's ready to roll in full operation, and he'll lay out the national and overseas contracts he has signed and sealed. And don't forget his partners in the deal and the work force waiting to fire up the char pots and fill the storage areas and trucks and box cars.

As for the location of this year's upcoming open house, see Gator for full details. It'll be in western Virginia. He and his mate Joan can draw you a map on how to get to the open house. After all, Gator knows the site better than Molen does, since he was there more often last year than Molen was.

I just hope they don't drop the machine on some poor slob's foot when they move it into position like they did last year.

Boy, this'll be fun. Gator, you make your plane reservations yet?
