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04/07/16 10:38 AM

#2233 RE: Happy Investor #2231

Easy.. I call Q1 a success, because of the published data.. 1.2M revenue in Q1 is a success already - no matter what happened last month. Concerning negative news, I don't believe in the 10M revenue laid out in the optimistic company presentation yet and I'm fine with 6M for 2016. IMMD will grow, but it will take time as well.

It all depends on how costs will develop, especially operating expenses. Since the CEO is highly involved and has financed the company several times without inflating the number of shares, I don't agree with your statement. His salary, employing his wife, extending his options - still acceptable as long as the company is moving forward like it did in the last four months. They will be smart enough to not jeopardize the long time goals, especially after things went wrong before.

Now with marketing compensation based on real revenue, IMMD goes in the right direction. I'm waiting for more new products and meanwhile I can tolerate a low stock price between 0.2 and 0.3.

We will only see real movement when it comes to uplisting, that will change the game completely.