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04/03/16 11:24 PM

#7342 RE: bigcut #7341

Well bigcut, your comments on this board indicate that even though you have probably taken a big paper loss on this stock you are still alive in this stock and are under no obligation to take a definite loss until the company is delisted.

So what I am suggesting is that you try to make some big profits in other stocks this year and than you dump this one at the end of 2016 when the company finally gets delisted for failure to provide financials for more than one year! So try to put any new money on a "winner" this time so that you are fully covered to deduct the loss for this POS!

Of course, I am willing to provide some hope that those crooks from Canada are already planning the next move to prevent the SEC from taking any action by finally issuing a news release that this company might be soon purchased by some other company probably located in Spain or Russia and everyone will make big money. Hasn't that chain of events already happened to this company a few years ago..............??????????


04/05/16 10:47 PM

#7344 RE: bigcut #7341

Dead Scam, CEO probably heard from the SEC and AMF.


06/07/16 11:42 AM

#7356 RE: bigcut #7341

Dead scam shell.