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free bird

03/31/16 10:55 PM

#275023 RE: 2obee1 #275022

Me too! I really really want you to make allllll your money back.
Seriously, every last nickel And then some.
Bye-Bye :-)


03/31/16 10:59 PM

#275024 RE: 2obee1 #275022

Wait... do you not understand that Yo Gabba Gabba (really bothers me that you keep calling it Yo Gabba. Get it right) is the "workhorse" brand? It's not supposed to be something that you would invest in for the long term. The point is it's meant to help subsidize the growth of Vitamin Fizz, which is why we're all here. Now we own a brand that's already cash flow positive. Hopefully that will mean less dilution to finance VFizz. Did you seriously not understand that concept??

Another thing is you spent MONTHS bashing Vanis for not giving us anything "tangible". Well it took longer than expected, but he's finally delivered on one of his major promises. Don't you think he deserves some credit for this? Doesn't it give you more confidence going forward that he will deliver on other promises in time? It does for me. Yesterday's news was a monumental turning point for Minerco in my eyes. As you love to say "now Vanis has a track record"... Well he just majorly improved that track record. I'm excited to see what comes next. This is only the beginning! Mark my words


03/31/16 11:53 PM

#275027 RE: 2obee1 #275022

My 7 and 8 year olds have no idea what Yo Gabba is.

Their friends have no idea what Yo Gabba is.

Way more important things than Yo Gabba to them like: Monster High, Minecraft, Lego(anything), Ninjago, and anything NatGeo. But not Yo Gabba. Yo Gabba. Yo Gabba. Yo.... what? The South Park episode with Yo Gabba was hilarious.

Yo Gabba.

Yo Gabba.

Yo Gabba.