hi guys ........for all who know Dr.DDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
He is the MAN of DD and sir .. i , let's roll would like to thank you for your Great and wonderful Surport of PAIM and i know that you are one of the MOST Koolest investors on the boards
and your dd will Move this stock up .....please tell us what and if and can we the investors buy up the remaining 10% shares....and if that happens what would happen to the pp's from the supply and demand stand point'''''''''and do you think we can lock the market of paim and dry up all the remaining shares out there and make the stock go up by running out of shares and you can keep track of it and know the true availablity of the stock....i think that the infromation is within reach for you to calculate......and report it here your experince speaks for itself ....thanks in advance and keep the Good work up .......there's GOLD in DEMM Hills I have seen it, that's were the gold refinire is being set up on site ,i am on there web site i am the U S A share holder they talked about in there P R who visited the mine site.....i have been to the Mouintain Top...and it is beautiful up there''''check the web site sir... cagean de or
let' roll