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03/28/16 2:44 PM

#39511 RE: insightamo #39510

Dont worry they have always made sure everything signed off by their lawyers and their goal issued in March 2015 was just that based on a very different timeline then. And even that was retracted later. If there were any misrepresentation the shorts would have loved to pull the trigger on that in past months while they were covering, but may simply want to use their final scare tactic in hope to further cover at low prices. The shorts game became too obvious by now...with official short covering numbers over months backing it up...

Must be incredibly annoying to shorts that the expectations for Q4 2015 revenue are so low now. High expectations get the shorts rallied up for hope of disappointment, and in turn as low as they are now, the upside of the cc is for us now, not them. ;-)

Ups, some paid shorts likely to deny for the sake of it. Well and to get that paycheck for "fearmongering". ;-)

IMHO of course ;-) LOL
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03/28/16 3:27 PM

#39513 RE: insightamo #39510

I've freely given my input on ANY for years and made my points to say the least.

It doesn't really matter if ANY is 18 or 20 million for the quarter. Everybody basically owns Overland Storage. Does anybody think it's a new Overland just because it trades under ANY? Look at Overland's history. It was heading for BK. Again, Glassware sales are non existent and categorized with storage to hide the sales.

The company needs revenues fast. Anson the short did the last financing. Before that, it was questionable financings with private individuals for below market. Where will the next round of money come from? Anson again? Doesn't that disturb anybody? It should.

Everybody should just pay attention to the Q4CC. Not going to talk in circles.