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03/23/16 10:02 PM

#45 RE: streamingeagle88 #44

yup exactly


03/27/16 2:08 PM

#47 RE: streamingeagle88 #44

Streaming Eagle: I would concur with your comments re MCC in this post.

But I will add that it is disruptive to the former standard in the industry-not just from the bridgeless interoperatbility functions from the tech side of the equation but from the budgetary concerns for a large rollout/adoption across an entire government department to department-agency to agency-ministry to ministry-embassy to operatives in the field-video conference-video security and survellance=-be it G.O to G.O or B2B or Bussiness to G.O ...even NGO's would benefit from Aerus-and when your technology's value proposition is such that it may well become the defacto NEW gold standard in the industry sector it has entered into both from a technological/operating perspective and is more $$$ financially cost effect and viable?

Your considered a disruptive technology...revolutionary change vs evolutionary change-exponential change vs incremental change that kind of thing and if successfull in becoming the new operating standard for an entire sector?

You have a possible exponential (tsunami type wave vs gentle ones) type of ROI situation.

I say potential cuz when you bring about disruptive change and challenge the status quo in a sector?

Your replacing or vying to replace an entire industry leader already embedded in its sector-and that is not always an easy feat nor inexpensive one to undertake.

Which is why you need the networking connections to Government Agencies and Offices-to the movers and shakers in the purchasing departments of those G.O.s and equally as important in the private service sector to get your product/service into their purchasing considerations in the first place and that is where you need the strength and breath of management coming in behind your company's offerings.

Que the importance of Terry Matthews and Mike Pascoe and the entire MCC management team.

But with this type of monumental change to this sector-you still will meet with resistance-till some type of tipping point comes where the pendulum of adoption and acceptance tips in your favor and things start to build momentum on the balance sheet as scale from sales (in this case recurring revenue) starts to come into play.

Were not quite there yet IMO-were still early...BUT I do know from dialogue with Pascoe not that long ago-that it was at the request of existing customers and potential customers that MCC went back to the development que and married Aerus Cloud with the Aerus Windows application which met and was more conducive to meeting large GOC contract mass adoption/security requirements as well if one looks back on MCC's history...State interests in the USA-such as what was underway in the state of Texas which was put on the backburner till the Aerus Windows platform was developed/available.

It was also the GOC that made the request to MCC to develop the Windows based Aerus application as I understand it ( I stand to be corrected if interpreted incorrectly) and that is why this current GOC trial underway is being completely cost funded dollar for dollar and cent by cent by the GOC and born by the GOC vs MCC.

However as I said earlier in the prior post MOST INVESTORS DO NOT FACTOR IN HOW LONG GOG trials actually are in duration.

I am expecting this current one to run minimum 6mths and possibly run the entire year with results once again in December of 2016 like MCC made public in a NR this past year in Dec 2015-altho I have no information to the exact duration of the current GOC funded Aerus Windows trial and is a speculative projection on my part based on MCC's past operational public disclosures.

Personally? I am not buying any shares in MCC nor interested in acquiring any more shares in MCC at this time-till we hear/see more public disclosure related to product development and material update on adoption and acceptance..vis a vis I would like to see interest outside of Canada/Canadian government agencies be demonstrated in the MCC product/service as it relates to Security-homeland inparticular as MCC offers a very robust video surveillance unequaled by any other in the market place from a value proposition perspective and with the geopolitical situation being what it is with the extremist situation and the USA hellbent on patrolling its own southern borders let alone what is happening in Europe-Aerus offers a form of a nonphysical fence/border
that could/should be very valuable to those type of agencies IMO requiring bridgeless/interoperable functionality to their surveillance grids from command and control centers to their operatives in the field.

The next 12 to 18mths for MCC are not only going to be IMO pivotal for MCC and its Aerus Cloud and Aerus Windows platforms....but critical as well..because with disruptive patented technology...once you become the defacto standard there is always competitors nipping at your heels and burning their own midnight oil in their RandD departments hoping to knock you off and replace you as the next defacto standard in the sector as well.