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03/22/16 7:32 AM

#102180 RE: Asbjorn #102179

how much profit will those 3 in total give us in 2017?

This is how i see it.

At this point I think they would at least be able to get a 30M loan at 10% interest without any dilution, then we should be able to get pf1 and pf2, and those few million that is left they should acquire those 25% of the megafarm since we almost are there already.

Alternative 1
Pf1&2 and 25% of the megafarm in the spinoff would do it, and we should be at 15 bucks minumum already so an IPO together with the spinoff is doable, but we would probably end up with 30-40% in dilution anyway and we won't have a lot of money to get the speed up.

Alternative 2:
If they get that 30M loan and aquire pf1&2 and have 25% of the megafarm, sell 25% of the megafarm for 100M, that gives us around 70M and they hopefully could get another bigger loan, say 50M with good interest condition (maybe 5%)and without any dilution included in the deal, then this company has enough cash for future growth and could even get up the speed of the MF in a good pace and we won't get any dilution at all. That would leave them with pf1&2 and 50% of the megafarm and have 120M in cash. 50% of the megafarm will probably cost us 40 million the year after and maybe 10 million the year after that, but we would still have a lot of cash left to aquire wc:s and increase the speed and growth and pay interest until the cash flow will be massive.
This is what I would prefer.. They could even start with a small dividend after 2017 with like 5M that is growing with 50% each year.
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03/22/16 8:37 AM

#102183 RE: Asbjorn #102179

You can look it up, on page 38 of the latest 10-Q.

They will not acquire WC1. Nawei owns both WC1 and the Distribution Center. The JV partner needs to make money on WC1 so they can build more distribution centers.

What a mess. You are actually going to spin off aquaculture with only 1 customer? (Nawei).

They need roughly $6M to acquire Cattle Farm 2. After which they will merge it with HSA and Cattle Farm 1. Even if they do all that, it will be worth zip, nada. Because of the land use rights.

The first thing I'm going to check when they report, is whether the auditor has detected the error on page 12 of the 10-Q. Which they keep repeating everywhere. Regarding the MF.

10 years for 100,000 MT capacity & 20 years for whole integrated project.

10 years for US$2.6 billion

So that's $260M for every 10,000 MT (or 16,000 MT).
Asif they don't have enough trouble already.