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Penny Stocks 2.0

03/19/16 10:30 AM

#16044 RE: StockMedic1 #16041

Some believed in the hype and bought too many they become so thirsty they've decided to indulge. Drank September's wine because October's was going to be better. Drank October's because November's wine, well it was supposed to be fit for a King. Well November's I was thirsty and told December's would absolutely be the Wine of Wines so you guessed it, I drank November's and bought the Premium Brand of December paying a Premium price. Sadly December turned out to be an overpriced, over hyped House wine. Was told It's okay wait for January's wine, best grapes imported and mouth watering. Well fool me once shame on you...but I bought that hyped up wine lowering the cost only to find out the grapes were sour....fool me twice shame on me, needless to say I quit drinking wine and for good reason, February and March wine tastes like shit. Never was a fan of Red wine, it seems to be the only flavor of wine the connoisseurs are serving up. Won't be tasting April Wine, but I'll certainly listen to their music, that's about the only thing appealing about wine is the music.

No more wine, no more koolaide.

This ends my posting here, said it once or twice but this is it.