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03/18/16 10:53 PM

#27029 RE: Vexari #27028

Nice piece, but I cannot elaborate enough about the difference between rebellion and revolution.

Rebellions are fine every 20 years, but a revolution only comes once in 100-200 years, and America is scarily and alarmingly ready for a revolution, bloody if it needs to be.

As of today, I see only 3 scenarios playing out:

1) Trump wins the nomination. Basically small rebellions break out against this, but nothing that really exceeds anything in the past, though.

2) Trump wins the election. Basically small rebellions still break out against this too, but nothing that really exceeds anything in the past. People eventually accept defeat when the masses didn't buy their gripe. Whites did it when Obama was elected. Blacks will to, if Trump wins.

3) Trump doesn't win the nomination, but still fired up, he begins Plan 2: A daily/weekly/monthly update reality show about our 'elite' who control our current and past Dem & Rep politicians, and the results/history of their decisions. It'll grab a huge and growing base right from the git-go, and will guarantee landslide victory for a 2020 campaign.

Think of FDR and his 'fireside chats' that not only got him elected a second term, but for the first and only time in history, got him re-elected a third time!

Trump, with his spot-light loving nature, will conduct a scathing yet positive 'fireside chat' (TV/Internet-style reality show), thereby all but guaranteeing him 2020, and maybe 1 or two after that.


03/19/16 1:35 PM

#27034 RE: Vexari #27028

These self proclaimed "change agents" operate under an umbrella of safety and freedom the USA provides. We saw what happened to the one in N Korea that decided to take his antics outside of the USA. Fifteen years of hard labor changed his attitude real fast.

The US can only outsource it's inflation for so long and that day of reckoning is coming real fast. The free money train is going to end and when it does these "protestors" will be faced with a wave of reality never seen before by the likes of their generation and others.

Traditionally Americas youth has had time to grow up mature and align themselves with the solution rather than the problem. Not this time I'm afraid as it's going to be those same people holding the bags on the lonely road of real economic and monetary change.

Then they will truly have something to cry about and will have to go to work just to feed themselves each and every day.