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03/19/16 3:25 AM

#3590 RE: mauser96 #3589

May be just phraseology, but I disagree with your conclusion. T o me, industrialization, or as I prefer commercialization, is not just the combination of art and science. It will happen when all the experimentation, research and R and D will determine that EBM beats the alternative technologies on a cost, quality and efficiency perspective. Then when the EBM proves itself, people (arcam and customers) must be trained to effectively use them. Then arcam will sell a lot of machines and blossom.

Have no idea what you mean by art and science. ITs a lot more pragmatic. Its science to prove up the technology as I stated above and show all the EBM advantages I've outlined in other parts. I have no idea what you mean by art unless its individual perceptions but they come when the science and superiority over other technologies are shown. And no Trader, its not a zero sum gain. In fact, I predict multiple technologies showing their advantages and winning orders and the key question will be ultimately how many of those orders EBM and arcam win. With all the speculation, the answer is the jury is still out and arcam has to prove itself both on a technological level and with the comfort zone of buyers.

Re all the technological posts I've been reading, way beyond me but not as relevant as the following: Proving to customers that the arcam EBM product trumps alternative techologicies net net. And that net net is not just one issue, weight density or all the other one topics many have discussed. It is a net net game and the jury is out