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Penny Stocks 2.0

03/18/16 5:51 PM

#16026 RE: StockMedic1 #16014

I guess my vocabulary and riddle dd isn't up to snuff....seems you're accusing me of something. Enlighten me & the board.

If buyers are buying on positive posts, big mistake.

If sellers are selling on negative posts, big mistake.

If you're accusing me of the latter, shame on you.

Individuals buy/sell shares on any stock based solely on their own due diligence, not something a poster says. Ultimately one must live with his or her decision and blame no one but themselves.

If a stock pps falls because of some negativity I HUB posting then that says something about the lack of support for the stock. If the support was high and string then all the Sells would be met with strong support and a stock wouldn't nor shouldn't feel the I effects of someone's opinion.

I personally did nothing wrong but state my opinion today.