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03/18/16 6:20 PM

#99526 RE: wobblenuts #99518

Boom!!! But I thought only $EPGL can struggle a little or take years to develop and launch a product for use??

Failed Google Glass crap...

Failed Novartis R&D efforts

Novartis/Alcon (Alleged Leaders of the Smart Contact effort) are getting their azzes handed to them...

Intel can't keep up with its own Founders technology "law"???

They are the Processing Chip Gods but yet are getting Shock and Awed by start-ups??
Where is their bio-mem processing chip to power contacts processing?? Or chips for nano-mems solutions??
Microsoft are a bunch of failure addicts as well.

Must be scams....all of them because they have been touting these technologies and capabilities for years now.




03/19/16 1:32 PM

#99544 RE: wobblenuts #99518

Let's make sure we keep the horse in front of the cart.

I don't see it as a scam. If it were a scam why would they spend money on submitting patent applications? However, others already have patents granted while EPGL only has applications which may or may not be granted.

Some have interpreted the contact lens picture floating around as some sort of prototype. If we look at that picture of the lens, and carefully read this patent:

You can see that it is most likely a test pattern to show they can integrate electronics into a contact lens, and that it is unlikely to be a prototype of a marketable product. This is what they have said about the picture , "We can confirm that the picture is our lens and our technology which has been proven to work while keeping perfect clarity in the Silicone Hydrogen lens". When they say "work", based on the patent I suspect they mean work as a substrate and interconnect. When they say "keeping perfect clarity" they mean the electronics don't interfere with the normal operation of the contact lens.

Development of this technology is going to take both time and lots of money. It is not unusual for technology of this sort to take 10 or 20 years to come to market. From my own field of semiconductors, we were talking about EUV lithography over 20 years ago, and it is finally in the prototyping stage and perhaps moving into production in the next five or ten years. I see integrating electronics into contact lenses as being of similar if not a higher level of complexity.
