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03/18/16 1:56 AM

#246604 RE: fuagf #246603

fuagf -- yeah, seems AP has been tinkering with their licensing terms and that as a result AP stories carried on more and more other sites are becoming ever more temporary/of limited duration (for a long time, the only site where I'd routinely noted that was Yahoo!; all of their AP and other such newswire-sourced stories have long been of only limited duration) -- pain in the butt -- in the better instances the non-AP sites do not alter the AP headlines (something many [other] non-AP sites have been wont to do all along), so at least if a post includes the headline as well as the link a later quick basic Google search of the headline will lead directly to other sites which still have the same AP story, and ideally directly to the story on AP's own site -- which apparently has at least effectively become the only way/place to be sure of getting a lasting source link