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Green Money 00

03/17/16 11:16 AM

#44974 RE: hammer3 #44973

Well look at the hotel.. what did they value it at and what did it get forclosed at and all the articles written saying about code violations.. im pretty sure thats good proof..

Oh lets notforget the bs investment company from dubai. ... i mean comeon! Email doesnt work
Webpage doesnt work

Search the web and do some dd


03/17/16 1:39 PM

#44975 RE: hammer3 #44973

When will the company start the floating shares buy-back program? Which will significantly enhance all the EFLN shareholder's confidence! I would suggest the company to buy back at least 100M shares at 0.0003 ~ 0.0005 which only costs about $40K cash!

Any good news in the near future? Will the company sell some underpeformed assets to free some cash to fund the shares buyback program? Thanks in advance!