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03/16/16 5:27 PM

#15814 RE: Penny Stocks 2.0 #15812

Idk what the big deal is here. They tweeted that they gonna release news and obviously they aren't finished with whatever they are doing.
You wait months, but can't wait an extra week? Cmon..
Patience is a virtue. Wait for the news, whether it's good or bad news, that's when we can start bitching, or celebrating. Let's see what happens and stop crying about it


03/16/16 7:23 PM

#15816 RE: Penny Stocks 2.0 #15812

Looks like the paranoia is starting to set in. Just where did anyone get "2 days" left to find out? An education in regulatory disclosures may help. Form 10K must be filed by March 31 unless you apply for whats called an NT Extension, meaning, the company would still be in SEC compliance provided it asks for the extension before the 31st, and then would have until 4/10 to file. I believe they will file on time without the extension. Next, It depends on the "bankers" and the structure of any deal, to determine what will happen. But all banker cares about making money. The OTC way - do a deal at a 35% discount to market and file an S1 and kill the stock. or, do a similar convertible, wait 6 months, then slam the stock. Funny thing here is that the float has been slowly growing since the Kodiak fraud yet the stock price is slowly rising, and even some days, you are seeing bids and asks tighten up - can anyone tell why that is? And lets try to not use the typical "they are trying to screw us" explanation. The real way to raise money is to use a series of metrics to value the enterprise, and then do a deal at market, or a premium to that valuation. A discounted deal now won't help anyone, least the company. The underlying feeling I get is there is a move to move up quickly, get away from the crap, and grow shareholder value and the company. I feel the company is sick and tired of the typical OTC deals, and may now have something else thats more in line with its overall goals, but we just have to wait to find out. The banker will be key. They already engaged a top tier Healthcare IR firm with huge healthcare NASDAQ and NYSE clientele. I am assuming its banker is at, or above that level alone. The banker will "telegraph" the type of deal we can expect for RXSF, so I just have to wait, like everyone else.

You will need to wait to see what any deal looks like before you start crapping all over it. First you need to know and research its banker, which hasn't been disclosed yet. The CEO wants to uplift for many reasons other than just the stock. She has said this for a few months now, so whats the problem? Trying to figure out if the float will grow here at $2.00? I don't see how that helps the company meet MINIMUM listing BID of $4.00 for a min. continuous 30 days. I would guess, and its ONLY MY GUESS, that they would feel more comfortable a levels way above that. But thats all implied in the disclosures. Hopefully when the company releases disclosures, the picture and course will be more apparent, and then good decisions can be made.