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03/13/16 10:20 PM

#332031 RE: Digra Ive #332029

Treasury and DOJ hide behind the age-old investing disclaimer, "Past performance does not necessarily predict future results."

I felt in love with this part of Bethany's story:
Back in 2010, FCIC investigators found that a firm called Clayton Holdings, which was hired by Wall Street firms to investigate the mortgages that were being packaged into securities, was finding that they were not what they were supposed to be. Clayton examined almost a million mortgages, according to the FCIC’s analysis, and found that almost 30% failed to meet the underwriting standards that had been set, like the amount of money the borrower had put down, and didn't have other factors that might compensate for that. And yet, Wall Street waived almost 40% of those questionable loans, sticking them into securities anyway. (Clayton kept track of the waivers in order to protect themselves from potential liability.) The banks didn’t tell investors. "In some cases we felt that we were potted plants," Keith Johnson, president of Clayton Holdings, told Reuters at one point.

Highlighted in the red - If so, why $110B of penalties was been sent directly to coffers of Treasury through DOJ and Investors sow nothing from this pile of money ?