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03/13/16 10:57 AM

#7921 RE: Spuds McKenz66 #7918

Okay I will after Meet the Press and if Face the Nation... I know why the ten dollar tax is to still force Obama's goal for renewable energy without a clear plan for oil price recovery.

They made a surprise oil reserve purchase a year ago after I wrote them on a plan to avoid this and all it did was piss off those turds controlling us as they complained that they had to give them warning first. This time he totally ignored me and went with a tax attempt that is supposed to be opposed. The Clinton's tried bringing back Windfall Profit tax once and Hillary tried her awful health plan in 93 that almost gave Billy a heart attack that later he said he was for but... you know how he is... so why did he go with the Republican Congress in his second term we found out from his own words he sought opinions form Nixon. I tell you, I have seen Biden lip what Obama was saying in a duel TV press statement where Biden was just next to him on oil stuff so Biden probably ordered the purchase last year while Obama was away (and Biden didn't say a word on press statement but looked like he was forcing Obama to say it... lol).

I still think they are not leaving office. Why else would Biden not go for the sure thing (other than many passed deadlines to get on ballet)... lots of reasons... with great regret I happened to heard Rush Lim'law' say Obama is already planning to live in DC to keep his work alive... ARG to both, Limbaugh is nuts anyway and Obama needs to run for Congress or Senate if he wants to do that and is out-of-line... oh! maybe he wants to be a paid promoter like ex-congressmen... lots of racial people willing to still send him money... hmmm, maybe pretty smart then... lol, like okay if you just want to send me money...