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03/12/16 12:10 AM

#26905 RE: Buy and pray #26904

You watch way too much TV

The current system we live in

pays too much attention to

those that want their cake

and eat it to

They prey on you


Something totally different, for a perspective

The Greatest Shortcoming of the Human Race

is our inability to Understand

The Exponential Function..

This is an excellent lecture

just put yourself in class

and listen..

Arithmetic, Population and Energy

Dr. Albert A. Bartlett

The Most Important Video You'll Ever See

Part 1 of 8

Part 2 of 8

Part 3 of 8

Part 4 of 8

Part 5 of 8

Part 6 of 8

Part 7 of 8

Part 8 of 8

Sometimes we have to do what is required

~ Winston Churchill ~

We must educate all of our people to an understanding of the arithmetic and consequences of growth

especially in terms of populations and in terms of the earth's finite resources..

We must educate people to recognize the fact that growth of populations and growth of rates of consumption of resources

can not be sustained..

It is intellectually dishonest to talk about sustainability without stressing the obvious fact that stopping population growth

is a necessary condition for sustainability..

We must educate people to see the need to examine carefully the allegations of the technological optimists who assure us that science and technology

will always solve all of our problems of population growth, food, energy and resources..

Central to the things that we must do is to recognize that population growth is the immediate cause

of all of our resource and environmental crises..

Part 7 of 8

Except for the petroleum graphs, the things I tell you are not predictions of the future

I am only reporting facts and the results of some very simple arithmetic..

But to be successful with this experiment of human life on earth we have to understand the laws of nature as they are encountered

in the study of the sciences and mathematics..

Part 8 of 8


03/12/16 7:41 AM

#26914 RE: Buy and pray #26904

The media focuses on the few anarchists that drive ratings. Weak minded people buy into the propaganda and disregard the fact that the majority of the folks are good and decent people in this country/world. These ratings fuel a state of dependence and entitlement to get "there's first" at the expense of the majority.

Then in comes the State to take from those that have and give to those that don't under a banner of "fairness". Sadly this has been going on for centuries. But it's the majority of decent folks that have always helped those that are truly in need through community church etc. not through the forced redistribution of the state.

Good will always triumph no matter what kind of optics and games the media wants to play. We just need to ask ourselves "which side of the trade am I on today and where do I want to be tomorrow".