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03/11/16 12:05 AM

#62646 RE: Dmac9 #62645

But he never made those statements. He said if a fraction of marks followers purchased the comic in either format we would make sizable revenues->a true state I think we can both agree on.

He is making the assumption that the 10 dollar comics on the website now, are still part of the original 50k still
Not as of base as the comment you just made, that mark didn't physically promote the comic because what few they had were gone and not worth it -> He has his own signature
Product , but it's not worth it to promote a single copy... Really?!?!

They were giving the convention copy's away after as a with purchase add on, so it's safe to assume they had some left over, so sending one to mark would have made sense.

Don't you find it not the least bit alarming that in the last say about 16 months since mark became
A board member that the company has not been able to produce a single new product for mark to even promote?

I sure find it odd that literally the only product the company actually put out in the past 3 years, featuring him, doesn't get a video or even a tweet.


03/11/16 7:58 AM

#62654 RE: Dmac9 #62645

The issue is also that popularity in one form of media does not translate to another form of media, so to think that Marki is going to convert his fans into comic book readers is not a given by a long shot

For example, the popularity of comic book movies, Guardians of the Galaxy, Avengers, Batman Trilogy, Deadpool all of which have made hundreds of millions if not billions in box office revenues.

the popularity of all of these movies has not increased the market for the comics industry, people are not coverting in droves into comic readers. So i do not think one can assume that any percentage of Marki's fans will give a crap about Powfolio


03/11/16 9:21 AM

#62657 RE: Dmac9 #62645

Just sitting here on the grassy knoll typing a response to your post. I did not say they had a lot of the convention books left, I said it must be a minuscule amount. Those two things are completely opposite. I have no idea how many are left, but does anyone believe there should be a large quantity? They brought them to a convention with over 130,000 guests and were giving them out for free in the company of internet sensation Markiplier. Even the guy that stands outside the con handing out the world will end tomorrow fliers probably distributes 50,000. It should be a safe bet that there isn't a huge quantity available and given Mark's popularity it is surprising any survived the con. If there are a lot left, well, that would be embarrassing. How sad is it if you can't even give the book away?

Regardless of the quantity, it just seems Mark's fans should be able to absorb even the full amount of the pressing let alone the remainder.

As for digital downloads, again I have no clue how many there are. I just did some math on $1.99 times 10% of Marki's base and came up with, well, a lot of cash. I think 10% is a low threshold.

The thing I find "suspicious", is out of all the posts climbing all over Benny's financials, his personal life, court appearances (heck one guy even posted the arrival of a shipment for REDG on a dock in LA. Where'd that come from?), you single out my benign posts as secret spy stuff.

You are either a "flat earther" and find critical thinking to be the devil's work, or such an unabashed pumper that any post that doesn't proclaim Benny to be a genius or Markiplier the most celebrated personality of the modern era a threat to your financial scheme. The last option is that you are Benny or have direct contact with him and he has identified me as an enemy of the state and has sent you, his operative, to destroy me.