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03/08/16 10:43 AM

#6086 RE: stuckinthestock #6085

YES and IM 100% correct when you take a 58% discount, you times by .42.

Here Ill make it easy for you. whats 10% of .0028. = .00028 Now times that by 5.8

Here is VERY VERY EASY for MATH here.
Lets say it was a 50% discount. Whats 50% of .0028??? Thats already .0014. So cant be .0016 as he said. When you take 58% DISCOUNT you times it by .58 THEN SUBTRACT IT from .0028. Or easier just to take .0028 x .42.

Some one step in here and show them.

How can .0028 be more than .0014 when thats half or 50% ??? Ill WAIT.

. Means they get 42% of the price. So you either take .0028 x .42. Or you take .0028 and times .58(58% discount) Then take that number and subtract from .0028. OR EASIER TO JUST FRICKIN TIMES IT BY .42 which is .0012. EVEN if only a 50% discount its .0014. EVERYONE can take half off .0028. AND THEY GET 58% OFF. YOU two are wrong. 58% DISCOUNT off of .0028 is .0012. PERIOD. ALL MODERN MATH. If youre going to correct, BE CORRECT!!!!!!!!!!

Even if ONLY a 50% discount from the avg of .0028 that already ONLY .0014. Duh...

Anyone help these guys.

WTH is 58% OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF .0028?