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03/05/16 11:23 AM

#35465 RE: CyberNv #35463

Your observations are spot on Cy. The volume is gradually picking up. There's still a large amount of .0002's left but I have a feeling that probably by the end of next week or when the financials are released we'll get out of the .0002's. Those familiar with the history of the last bump might try to get in at 2 before the bump to 6 like last time. Those who are not familiar with the DD will bail on the pop but those familiar with everything going on here will probably hold most of their shares as the pps drops back down to 3 or 4. This should be the new base as the financials will now show not just one but two quarters of sustained revenue. If the 10-K is really good we should start heading towards .001.

The one thing to beware of are new names popping up with pie in the sky short term predictions (penney or "copper" by end of month statements.) I believe we'll definitely see .01 or .02, but not until the Q2 is published in August. Let's just get to .001 first. We'll need all your help in analyzing the 10-K to pull every bit of information (even speculation) we can out of it, since Tom is reluctant to keep us informed.

There is, however, one possibility that may occur regarding Tom's communication with us and that is that with the release of the 10-K showing sustained revenue and the beginning of a new year where a lot of his ideas start becoming realities, he may start communicating with us shareholders. He may have felt previously that until substantial proof could be shown on paper that his business plan was working, it was more important in developing the assets than communicating. So my guess, and I may be wrong, is that he may start using the Twitter or Facebook account to keep us more informed. And thats because now, when he wants growth and expects the pps to reflect his efforts, he's going to want the help and loyalty of the shareholders. So he's going to have to keep us in the loop.

Just a thought...