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03/03/16 8:13 AM

#14971 RE: KING T #14970

King T if that's even your real name...I gave you homework to go over last night yet it seems you refused to do so or perhaps your dog ate it...

Most investors will go through filings, I'll make it easy for yah, filings don't represent where RXSF is headed unless you draw the complete picture.

Investors then sift thru the News/PRs and see if there is a developmental company unfolding. Is there a product line, growth potential, partnerships, etc.

Investors will look over the Share Structure, well 320k float is unfathomable. It's very real.

Not every investor takes same approach but for myself it was key to learn about the management team, the growing Patent protected product line, the need for the product to reach the market, Partnerships and such...IMO A+

So the plan is developing, we need absolute execution or none of the above means shit.

So bring on TRG, The Ruth Group and NY and 40+ Investor Bank type meetings, you know the blue chip type, non toxic...

Any announcement of Financing basically secures the future of RXSF..

I can go on and on but dude, you need to uncover some due diligence yourself, for you to say you can hide your medications or what ever tells me you didn't even attempt to research RX Safe's Inc. one bit.

Now I'll give you one day to get your shit in order....come back with some due diligence and I'll grade you on that. But just know you won't get an A+ or A- because you failed on your first real attempt to undermine all the Longs on this board.

Know this when Blue Chip, Wallstreet, Non Toxic Investors Invest $25m+ into RXSF it may be too late for you because it took me months to really grasp everything unfolding for the potential Billion $ company.

Good Luck. Now skedaddle...


03/03/16 8:36 AM

#14972 RE: KING T #14970

Let ME help you, and some other board members who seem somewhat confused about what this company actually does. But I want to clear something up for you........this management team IS the developer of the first biometric handgun safe that was called the BioBox. They designed it, manufactured it and sold it back in the early to mid 2000's, in a prior company. The safe today was redesigned to provide better security and ease of functionality for moms, and is currently being redesigned again to be a "compliance" or "adherence" medical device that will use BT or WiFi technology to remind patients to take their medications as well as track access. THAT makes it a reimbursable medical device, but if anyone took the time to read the disclosures, they would have picked up on that.

The "other" products give away what the company is doing. Each product this company manufacturers or will manufacturer has only 1 goal - to prevent drug diversion and drug abuse - at the end user level. No other healthcare/technology company has focused on this security gap (because it is all about keeping medications safe and secure, even in its usage). This company has adapted its technology and integrated it into other medical devices solely to provide security and accountability for access to, use of controlled substances. And unless someone is brain-dead, they would see from the POTUS down to local news, the absolute financial and emotional devastation abuse of controlled substances have on the economy and families. Right now, its over $600 BILLION annually.

This is the ONLY company that has developed technology to address, and in most situations, make securing controlled substances more viable. Each product is being developed to be able to "push" authorized user information to the health systems back-end, so they can track who and when accessed an infusion pump switch, an injector, a narcotics locker, etc.......

Someone who paints the company as a physical "safe" company did not do their DD.

And I will find it AMAZING if anyone can find criticism in a company's efforts to use patented technology to help prevent drug diversion, drug abuse and drug addiction, because that is what this is all about, and they are the only company doing it at where.......? Where it's abused the most - the END USER level.

Hope that helps.