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02/28/16 3:54 PM

#245379 RE: StephanieVanbryce #245350

Bernie pushes his political judgement as being better than Hillary's.

The point in yours

"But beyond the primary math, it raises a kind of conceptual issue about Sanders's political theory: Given the centrality of African-American voters
to the Democratic Party, it's hard to envision a left-wing political revolution taking place in the United States that they have so little enthusiasm for.

made there puts a huge dent in his 'i have better judgement' claim, and there are at least 2 huge misjudgement calls of Bernie's in this one.

1. Suggesting a primary opponent against Obama 2012 would be good for the party and for the country.
2. Saying only a month ago he believed he could win S. Carolina.

Wonder if he really believed that number two? If not i guess it would be fair to see it as a lie.

Correction: reposted to correct to 2012.