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02/27/16 12:09 PM

#255243 RE: Protector #255239


if there is any intention on pphm's part to justify stopping the trial because of some clever plan to take the now-unblinded data through another avenue faster than a full trial would have allowed for, there is only one word that describes their action.



02/27/16 12:24 PM

#255247 RE: Protector #255239



02/27/16 12:25 PM

#255248 RE: Protector #255239

Sounds a little too complex for King. I mean, they can't even keep the Web page updated so it's hard to believe they can do what you suggest.


02/27/16 12:35 PM

#255252 RE: Protector #255239

Superb and great post! Many thoughts in there I have had, except I was not thinking about using the Sunrise data the BTD pathway because I was not aware ( or forget ) what exactly the criteria were for applying for a BTD. I always remember back to Garnick saying applying "back then" for BTD was not the fastest way to approval.... but maybe "now" applying for BTD with so much Bavi+Docetaxel data is amazing.

As for Peregrine having more options to make a deal with a BP I totally agree with ! No BP's want to face competition for a Sunrise FDA approval and that limits their return profit since Docetaxel is generic as stated. Think of how many Billions would have been LOST just in the NSCLC space with a Bavi+Docetaxel FDA approval because some BP can't use their drug such as Durvulmab to bring in those profits.

Having all access to that data now is crucial

Having all access to that data for BTD application is crucial

No BP's have to worry about competing with Bavi+Docetaxel

I have to re-read that again.... and would Peregrine have access to information to who exactly has been buying or selling from the transfer agent? They must be keeping a close eye on that

My oh my.... K&L Gates seems to be leaving no choice for some BP to make a deal with Peregrine.


02/27/16 12:40 PM

#255254 RE: Protector #255239

NiceCP, Also, All Friday's AfterHours Trades Above ClosingPrice...

I would also like to add a couple things not included in your post.

AVID has a large Backlog of Open Orders and pending future orders. With AVID II on verge of production, isn't it possible, and maybe part of PPHM's plan, that they gear up production and fill those orders much sooner than projected, thereby increasing short term in house funding???

And, as I posted friday, I want to point out that PPHM NEVER said all of the dozens of collaborations were only involving Bavituximab. PPHM has been pursuing WorldWide Patents for PS and BetaBodies and my thought is many of the Dozens of Collaborations may involve BetaBodies while working with MSK, NCCN, AZN, etc., etc.!

I believe many other posters have pointed out that it is possible to get BTD (or maybe something similar but actually called something else other than BTD that I don't currently remember) without a Phase 3, Phase 2, or even a Phase 1.

I believe it has been posted that an Orphan Status drug can receive BTD with only Clinical Study Results, right? Again, perhaps I am using wrong terminology, but I believe the basic fact conveyed was that FDA can approved certain drugs for certain unmet needs without any Phase 1,2, or 3 Studies... if FDA feels there is sufficient Clinical evidence to support that decision, right?

If true, it would have been unwise and premature for PPHM to announce last year that they would be trying to expedite FDA approval of BetaBodies because, at the time the patents were still being reviewed. I don't know if they have been burning the candle at both ends, but with what was previously mentioned about BetaBodies in the past, I sure hope PPHM has not been letting it sit on a shelf and collect dust while waiting to see if the Sun would rise for bavituximab...

As a stockholder, I want to believe that PPHM has not spent the last 2 years only watching all the eggs in one basket! I don't believe PPHM is a one trick pony. I am hopeful that they have been working on other possibilities using their vast patented pipeline... aren't you?

I'm wondering how the Clinical Studies Results for BetaBodies look? How Many more mice have been completely cured? Has MSK, NCCN, CDC, Birge, etc., etc., reviewed the Clinical results for BetaBodies?

Thanks for your post. We all need to try not to trade on emotion.

Glta Stockholders, Employees, Patients, and Their/Our Families too!


02/27/16 12:42 PM

#255256 RE: Protector #255239


Respectfully, to suggest that PPHM stopped the trial to avoid setting a higher bar is far fetched and strains your credibility. When they got the IDMC recommendation to stop, PPHM may have decided it was better to shut it down, conserve cash and already manufactured Bavi and put those resources toward I-O trials, rather than hope things could possibly improve by continuing the trial and likely waste more resources.

They likely also obtained earlier access to the data to see what could be learned to tweak or improve upcoming trial designs to avoid future mediocre results.

But to suggest this was all an elaborate plan to get a better partnership with a BP is silly. Number one, this casts an even bigger dark cloud over Bavi. Two, they just lost leverage. Three, the ability to raise funds they will need took a serious hit. Four, there is no evidence these guys have outmanuevered anyone at any time other than maybe the PPHMP funding. To the contrary, they look to have been blindsided many many times over the years.

PPHM's back is against the wall, again. Hopefully they can cut some costs, grow Avid to regain some leverage while some high powered institutions test Bavi in combo with some I-O products. Hopefully their expectations have been tempered and they can get a reasonable deal that benefits existing shareholders before we are diluted to oblivion and possibly another RS.




02/27/16 1:33 PM

#255265 RE: Protector #255239

Great post


02/27/16 1:55 PM

#255266 RE: Protector #255239

BioBS is CP correct on BTD with Sunrise data? I thought application was for phase 1/2?


02/27/16 4:18 PM

#255278 RE: Protector #255239

Excellent, Thank you CP. EOM


02/27/16 4:38 PM

#255280 RE: Protector #255239

Thanks cp - very interesting thoughts to say the least. Curious if there is any precident on the early exit of p3 out of interest of speed on evaluating data as it is clearly a race.


02/27/16 8:13 PM

#255312 RE: Protector #255239

Great post!


02/27/16 10:34 PM

#255337 RE: Protector #255239

RE "this stop is mainly a loss of time-to-market"

Incorrect. Shareholders lose big time because there will be more trials needed which cost time and money - money through MORE dilution which means that the price potential of the shares goes DOWN LOWER than otherwise. Furthermore, that additional dilution will require THREE times as many shares at 40 cents versus $1.20. It's a negative compounding effect that destroys shareholder value - FACT!

RE " the bulls were in charge " Fantasy.
62% DROP in price. FACT.
20% down is a BEAR. 62% is armageddon for goodness sake.

RE "I mean if this stop has been part of PPHM chosen path to approval"

Huh? the trial FAILED, did you miss that? FDA does NOT approve drugs that fail phase III - period - end of story.

Did you hear the conference call? There was a state of shock!
This is not some master plan at work.

PPHM spent OVER 2 YEARS and tens of millions of DILUTIVE cash to stop their own trial early? No.

RE "The nothing is wrong with the trial"

Except that it failed. Other than that it's all roses......

The ONLY positive thing I can say about recent events is that Fridays volume was significantly smaller that I would have expected given the horrible news.


02/27/16 10:51 PM

#255341 RE: Protector #255239

PPHM-BAVITUXIMAB-SUNRISE in total perspective


On Thirsday, during after-hours, PPHM stopped the SUNRISE clinical trial based on a futility advice of the IDMC (Independent Data Monitoring Commission). There are many reasons for futility. For instance it could be that the drug under investigation doesn't work or works poorly compared to the goals set in the trial design.

In the case of SUNRISE there was no problem with the drug under investigation, Bavituximab, but an anomaly in the Control arm – the people that get SOC Docetaxel+Placebo – showing that those people lived much longer then what was expected in the SUNRISE trial design. And hence, if the IDMC sees that the control arm outperforms it will at a certain point conclude that compared with the GOALS set for the Bavi arm patients to outlive the control arm by two months (SOC+2) becomes impossible or unlikely. Hence the advice to stop the trial for futility.

So futility is a GENERAL term, which is seldom even used in the IDMC letters, to say to a sponsor (PPHM): There is little or no chance that if you run this clinical trial to the end you will reach the end-points. You should stop the trial. And that is what PPHM did.

Do in all this not confound Bavituximab and SUNRISE. There is NOTHING wrong with Bavituximab here, the drug performed as expected and that was said in so many words too. It’s scientific broad potential is exactly the same. It’s economic potential too, depending on what strategy PPHM is playing here or not. I’ll come to that. And while I have been saying that this stop is mainly a loss of time-to-market, with the not so nice side effect of temporarily low PPS, I may have to review my position on that.

SUNRISE is/was only one way to get Bavituximab approved for sale, the fastest and most advanced path, and yet maybe not (see later). As I will develop, and it is an another poster that triggered this with a certain phrase, we may be living the ‘next’ smart and unpredictable move from PPHM after salvaging the PII, the PPHMP funding, the Avid grow, the collaborations and with hindsight possibly also the Dart funding WITHOUT the traditional players being involved (reason Piper Jaffreys left).

I reiterate my Thursday idea about PPHM wanting SUNRISE data earlier in one of my theories below. But now in more detail.

PPHM PPS and Trading

Before I developed the above a little note on the PPHM trading since Thursday. I include this in this post because it is part of what strengthens my believe in the underlying two strategies/scenario’s of what this SUNRISE exit may be part of.

As PPHM shareholders we either see the PPS, we see the underlying fundamentals and we see the reactions and comments from others. When the PPS is low it doesn't take much to make us forget the fundamentals, make us panic or take hasty decisions or lead us by empathy or psychology such as fear/reward/uncertainty/time-passing and others tricks in the book. And where PPHM traders mix with PPHM investors the investors are ALWAYS the prey because traders need movement in the PPS in certain direction depending on where they stand with their own positions.

So I would advise every one here to remove the emo , look at the fundamentals and follow theories that are at least sustained in some way and explained and of which you can form a reasonable feasibility opinion rather then led you to be led by one liners, doom and, in many cases, fake statements of selling out in full or partially, worthless drug, collaborators will run away, delisting, etc, etc, etc.

You are VULNERABLE now due to the traumatic effect of a drop in the PPHM PPS on Thursday of 65+% in after hours, kind of like the same vulnerability of a widow that just lost her husband and will see many parties taking advantage of that starting with the mortician sales process.

But look…what nobody wants you to see is the PPHM trading on Friday and even less that of the Friday main session. On Thursday only 900K PPHM shares were traded in AH versus 811K during the day and BEFORE the PR. And actually the PPS was brought down in the first minutes because of how the quoting system works after a NASDAQ Halt and before Time & Sales (Trading) resumed. Someone was first in putting in a Low Ask and as a consequence all Bids, not allowed to cross the market, had to be below it. The stock HAS NOT be shorted down from 1.07$ all the way. Very few shares have been sold at prices higher then 0.50$ (which is good because that is the LOSS point for those that were short).

Only about 100K PPHM shares traded in PRE-HOURS on Friday. Believe me, there is not ONE SINGLE fund manager, II, PRO on Wall Street or for that matter probably ANY PERSON that has PPHM in his portfolio that did NOT know what happened with SUNRISE on Friday morning, probably not even one that would be climbing the Mount Everest during a holiday. So 100K shares is nothing! Furthermore there has always been a price up stress from 0.35$ towards 0.40+$ during AH and PH and that on its own is strange. So this is completely not comparable with Sept 24th 2012 and the dose switching incident.

But the most remarkable thing is the Friday main session trading. 16Milj+ shares traded and the PPS moves from 0.37$ up to 0.40+$ being kept all day in a 5 cent range. Now, that doesn't happen BY COINCIDENCE and it is even impossible UNLESS you have REAL buyers, not just fisherman on the down side because they let the PPS go down. And ClayTrader's last chart confirms that that support was there. ClayTrader's chart is what put me completely at ease on something I already suspected by giving it more substance. In his words, the bulls were in charge and to come to that conclusion on the first trading day after the Thursday AH PR, and which would have had to be a Bearish Festival with after party, holds a lot of information for those that want to see it.

If Wall Street, the funds, the Institutionals and the main hard long longs that look at the fundamentals of things would think there was a problem, we would be at 0.10$ cent because 16Mil$ shares could easily do that starting from 0.37$ down. And as said, ALL PRO's for SURE KNEW on FRIDAY! So they had NO STOPS set (or we would have been flooded with their shares) and the PPS didn't infringe and trigger there money management rules (or they would also have closed the PPHM position).

That means they protected the PPHM position to NOT SELL EVEN NOT on this 67% drop in PPS as we could all see! Now why would they do that? That is what I try to explain in the next parts in a detailed and sustained way so that you can judge for yourself. I think some party is at least aware or suspects some next move from PPHM, as do I.

PPHM's possible TWO strategies for Bavituximab SUNRISE

For starters, while I thing I have sufficient substance, everybody must read what follows with a critical mind and keep in mind that a theory is SPECULATION by nature.

I have made one reasoning mistakes in my past days post in relation to the stop of SUNRISE. I have assumed from the beginning that the Docetaxel outperforming the comparable historical Docetaxel data (such as Herbst et al, 2010) is an unlucky coincidence. While in this case I do NOT believe at all at this point (unless PPHM would communicate otherwise after looking into SUNRISE data) in any form of tempering or sabotage. Not even after CEO King used the words “dramatically outperformed”.

There are many reasons why the word dramatically could be there and one of them is that the 33% events are delivered by US and European patients that were enrolled first compared to the others and that those countries have Insurance and Social Security allowing for affordable 3rd ln NSCLC treatment keeping patients alive. Then they don’t end up in the MOS table and that is what the IDMC (Independent Data Monitoring Commission) sees.
Actually, simple out-performance would have been sufficient.

It was a phrase from another poster the past days that attracted my attention to the fact that the SUNRISE trial design with a look-in at 33% knowing one must be stat. sig. and that the difference between Control arm and Bavituximab arm must only be 2 months actually CALLED for such an IDMC advice but that PPHM could, at that moment, simply continue the trial KNOWING the 2 months would easily come out later. The IDMC advices, they do not STOP a trial for futility, that is the sponsors decision.

Theory 1 – the Bavituximab strategic surprise shortcut to marked

We all were looking at DEC 2016 for SUNRISE unblinding, therefore also all PPHM competitors that would suffer consequences from a SUNRISE new high MOS record will have been planning with that date in mind. PPHM always said: First look-in only for futility, 2nd starting H2/2016 possibly for efficacy.

But if you design a trial as such that you kind of illicit a FUTILITY advice, knowing you can at that point chose to stop or continue anyway, then by stopping you could surprise everyone and have FAST access to data of SUNRISE. Data that is clean and not tempered with and can be used for BTD. The FDA already allows BTD based on early stage trials. Here PPHM has data on 582 enrolled patients, has at least 1000 proves of safety (which with BTD weights MUCH more because if the FDA grants a short-cut they must at least make sure it is safe).

In this strategy we do not need to wait for unblinding and analysis till DEC with processing in Q1/2017 and filing to the FDA with a 6 month response window due to Fast Track. Actually the FDA probably has already acknowledged most of the SUNRISE BLA data under that Fast Track interaction of all the non-SUNRISE related data (PI/PII/etc that all need to be part of a BLA after PIII).

If this was a strategy (I mean if this stop has been part of PPHM chosen path to approval by interrupting and requesting BTD) then it is BRILLIANT. Unfortunately some temporary side effects on the PPS that we will have to endure comes with it but PPHM is known for doing what it has to do without any consideration of the effect on the stock price and CEO King has said that with so many words years ago in an interview. I some up what is in my mind:

- Garnick explicitly saying he doesn't like the BTD path (on annual meeting) – putting competition on the wrong foot? He will have said that elsewhere too!

- Garnick explaining us the complete PRO-grade approval procedure of SUNRISE (annual) preparing us all, an steering competition, towards 2017.

- Trial design which with hindsight does indeed solicit Futility (and Garnick will have known that while still keeping the continue option open)

- CEO King: Ah, a BTD wouldn't we all want that? (Quarterly/CC) – no Steve, Garnick said so!

- PPHM's surprises strategy record (salvage, PPHMP, Collaborations AS/MSK/NCCN, Dart Financing,…) each time bypassing the problem of the moment (low pps, no partners, etc) as if they anticipated it.

I think PPHM is aware that it will be fought and countered by several parties that see Bavituximab as a disruptive drug/molecule. I posted specifically about it here.. Hence they anticipate that the PPS will be under lid and that there will be not much goodwill for any partnering/collaboration in type of deals that would provide cash to PPHM unless a firm grip on Bavituximab is given back. The 2012 banker reaction must have opened their eyes! No time to prove something just immediate and sudden retraction of the loan that could have killed PPHM if we would not have had the ATM.

So now they anticipate. No one saw PPHMP coming and at that time it provided the needed funding. No one saw Dart coming (and it couldn't leak because PPHM dealt directly with Easter Capital), nobody probably expected that PPHM could salvage the PII (because they should have been without the financial means to do it). And now, nobody could see coming the BTD torpedo that would hack all planning of BP’s expecting Bavi on the marked with improved SOC in Mid 2017 in two.

But one thing is for sure: If PPHM doesn't want out of CHEMO+Bavi as is my 2nd theory explained below, then they will not just throw all the Docetaxel+Bavituximab data from PI till SUNRISE away and will use the other paths. The BTD is then the candidate by excellence. With a FAILED SUNRISE, normal Controal arm and Bavi arm only a few weeks better, BTD would not be any option any more because you cannot file for one AFTER a PIII. Stepping out now is the surprise move because now the PIII data is sufficiently available.

Theory 2 – Clear the Path for I-O collaborators/partners, no more chemo.

All BP’s involved in I-O spend not millions but billions in their pipelines. That will have an effect on the pricing of their solutions and for Opdivo, Keytruda and Yervoy alone we know we are talking about 120-150K per full treatment cycle. While Hillary plans to put that under pressure, the last thing BP want is that there are seamless solutions, possibly even with less side effects, that are much cheaper and force their prices, and hence their return on investment and profit perspectives, down. Hillary they can handle, the patients budget not.

Chemo+Bavituximab is such a solution. For starters most chemo’s have generics at 30% to even 10% of the price of the original. We are talking about Docetaxel, Sorafenib and alikes. Secondly these drugs combined with Bavituximab can set new MOS records and become the SOC (as our Breast and NSCLC PII’s have shown to be possible) and then be even better then Opdivo alone and would be hard to beat even with I-O+Bavituximab combo’s.

It still is my believe that in the current stage of I-O combo’s a PD-1/PD-L1 plus Bavituximab will not outperform Doce+Bavituximab by two months. Hence SUNRISE is a serious threat. It can not only set a hard to beat MOS, but with its time table it would have the costly risk of changing the MOS in the mids of a ton of clinical trials of BP’s that all were designed based on current MOS and control arms. And this time we are not talking about an individual trial by one BP that is in dangered, we would be talking about all 2nd ln NSCLC trials for all BP’s and multi-billions of invested dollars in those clinical trials. And after SUNRISE Bavituximab would have many quick ways to go after other SOC's in much shorter time frames.

Apart from the GENERAL threat SUNRISE forms/formed it also has a specific effect on PPHM’s partners/collaborators. When AstraZeneca runs Durvalumab+Bavituximab, ending end 2017/begin 2018 and under way SUNRISE increases the MOS then for PPHM that is certainly not a big deal, they are SUNRISE, but for AstraZeneca it is a problem.

AstraZeneca has made TWO public declarations. One is that they stop all effort in Durvalumab alone in 2nd ln NSCLC and the other that they as of then play the card of COMBO’s. AstraZeneca, said #4 in the I-O downstream space, has no other choice. BMY and Merck have beaten Roche and AstraZeneca in round 1 of the boxing much the ‘alone’ round. Round two is called 'combo' and is the way back it to score points for AZ.

So SUNRISE if successful is a nightmare because AstraZeneca would then depend on Chemo+Durvalumab+Bavituximab (the other trial planned with PPHM-AstraZeneca) and that includes the so much unwanted chemo!
So with SUNRISE in the mix PPHM almost always wins and no BP will ever make a deal with them giving them a chance (cash wise for instance) to develop a chemo based program in a too near future until I-O combo's are found.

From PPHM’s perspective the strategy may have been great (if that was the strategy) but with the I-O surfacing since ASCO 2013 (shortly after our 2012 incident) and the fact that it was not a passing hype with a 10 year future promise but that BMY, Merck and the others came through, SUNRISE, in that theory, is a weakness for PPHM. When they started SUNRISE in DEC 2013 they may not have anticipated, neither did we, the speed with which I-O would put itself on the map.

I, together with several other posters, noticed how easy PPHM followed the advice to STOP SUNRISE their main clinical trial with a 60Mil$ cost (well it will be some less now because all weekly maintenance treatments stop at end of trial, incl. placebo, which is about 10 mounts saved) but still.

So the point of this theory is that PPHM grabs an opportunity, elicited by design or not, to get out of SUNRISE and open the path to a possible next step of partnerships/collaborations coming shortly. I sum up what is in my mind:

- AstraZeneca partnership, PPHM correction, no, no NON EXCLUSIVE COLLABORATION !

- Worsley on MSK, AZ, NCCN etc,…this may open other talks with global players

- The pure strategic evaluation of AZ’s Durva+Bavi with SUNRISE around as a thread. Did AZ only come to this conclusion after they signed the deal?

- The fast and easy acceptance by PPHM of IDBC advice to STOP SUNRISE

- The nothing is wrong with the trial comment, I-O combo also not at risk (why would those be at risk at all due to a control arm abnormally with Docetaxel, a chemo in another trial?)

- The general sentiment in the industry: No more chemo if possible, to cheap generics are competition for expensive I-O.

- Opening the door to BP in general by removing the SUNRISE disruption (give & take)

While I personally believe more in the first theory because it would be planned from begin to end, while in this theory we don’t know if the STOPS advice was elicited or just be coincidence and an opportunity has been grab to get out, this theory is certainly a candidate. Furthermore if this was by coincidence and PPHM didn't AT ALL plan to get out of SUNRISE but was really forced by the events then this evolution, while not fully their will, will at least allow the above scenario’s of collaboration/partnering and in that case FORCE them into some more flexible.

Personally I find focus on I-O not a bad thing, certainly not because these trials are MUCH cheaper given someone sponsors the SOC or control drug such as Durvalumab which in the I-O space is MUCH more expensive the chemo.

If this was not intentional then the only difference is that PPHM will not have an up-front 'give & take' deal somewhere (such as if you kill SUNRISE we are willing to …) but then at least now they have an open path to play Bavituximab in its SECOND disruptive quality: Who will have the first Bavi combo!


I have provided facts, reasoning mix with speculation on some possible paths PPHM could go with Bavituximab, since the Bavi pipeline and IP are in no way damaged and nothing changed, only the path to approval changed due to another bump, or possibly intentional bump, in the road.

No one liners, no cheap or misleading conclusions brought as fact such as SUNRISE failed therefore Bavituximab doesn't work. No conspiracy theories, no emotion, no BoD/Management or PPHM bashing, but pure reasoning for everybody to follow and make up their own opinion.

I will not lead by saying that I bought some extra yesterday. "Peregrine Pharmaceuticals the Microsoft of Biotechnology" has not diminished in my mind because I can make the difference between a failed path to approval, the reason why and on the other hand the fact that the fundamentals did not change. What others do, or say they do or did, first need to be true and secondly should make sense for you personally, but YESTERDAYS trading demonstration clearly shows that your PPHM shares are wanted, the cheaper the better. Draw your own conclusions with a CLEAR mind and open eyes!

I have to say.... some do not like retail investors on here to think with a CLEAR mind and open eyes. Nice post.


02/28/16 4:33 AM

#255363 RE: Protector #255239

"the bulls were in charge". A stock tanks over 60% to 41 cents and someone says the bulls were in charge? LOL. The bulls weren't even "in charge" when PPHM was struggling to stay above one dollar.


02/28/16 4:42 PM

#255527 RE: Protector #255239

Posting like that normally doesn't deserve a reply. However, since you are so serious, I'll give a shot. I don't expect any better understanding than what you posted because your posting showed you don't have FULL understanding of clinical trial process, including design and implementation, your knowledge came from INCOMPLETE reading here and there pieced together, sometimes you misunderstood and sometimes you took it literally from those who didn't explain in full details.

1. Futility analysis: Futility stop is based on pre-specified efficacy futility boundary set by the sponsor company in this case PPHM - IDMC don't make up standard as they go rather simply follow the pre-specified boundary - in this case likely hazard ratio (HR) around 1 at 33% events. It doesn't depend on mOS as many here think because mOS is just a byproduct quoted by most because it is simpler and easier to understand for general public. It is a very easy decision to make once it crossed the futility boundary because there is NO other choice but to stop the trial. Given PPHM stops other chemo combination trials as well, it makes me think HR >>1 in this case.

2. 2-month difference in study design: it doesn't mean any 2-month difference would meet pre-specified endpoint. 6 vs 8 months, 8 vs 10 months, 10 vs 12 months, 12 vs 14 months implied different hazard ratio (HR) 0.75, 0.8, 0.83, 0.86 respectively, would require different trial size. A 2-month difference from 12 vs 14 month is not going to be statistically significant if a trial is powered based on assumption HR=0.75, thus smaller treatment effect (2-month difference from 12 vs 14) requires larger trial size than larger treatment effect (2-month difference from 6 vs 8) to achieve statistically significance. People who have underlying knowledge of trial design know what PPHM meant by 2-month while people who don't take it literally.

3. There is nothing wrong with Bavituximab if it performed as trial originally designed when comparator arm performed better than expected: If Bavituximab plus docetaxel performed as expected, say mOS=11 months while docetaxel alone arm performed better than expected 9-month, say 11 month also thus HR=1, this translates to adding Bavituximab to docetaxel does NOTHING to improve docetaxel alone. That's what's called a FAILED drug according to everyone's definition except a few on this board. Control arm doing better than expected is one of major reasons of trial failure cited by almost every company. However, trial goal is never for one arm to perform as expected, rather goal is relative to the other arm, hazard ratio (HR) in survival analysis.

4. An example of trial design vs result: Nivolumab vs Everolimus in 2nd line RCC, design was HR=0.76 (corresponding mOS= 14.8 vs 19.5 months). Result was mOS =19.6 vs 25 months where both arms mOS outperformed as expected. Even though everolimus arm outperformed expectation by wide margin 4.8 months, Nivolumab outperformed expectation by even wider margin 5.5 months, trial met primary endpoint hazard ratio HR=0.73 (p=0.0018).

5. Another example of trial design vs result: Nivolumab vs Docetaxel in 2nd line squamous NSCLC, design was HR=0.61 (corresponding mOS= 7 vs 11.4 months). Result was mOS =6 vs 9.2 months where both arms underperformed as expected, but it doesn't matter as primary endpoint is hazard ratio HR=0.59 (p=0.00025).


03/30/16 10:14 PM

#260305 RE: Protector #255239

CP, I was just rereading your posts and looking specifically on what actually caused the pps drop after the Nasdaq halt. Is it possible that while the Nasdaq halt occurred 100 million of the market cap was pulled out of the market and if so why and can it be returned in the same manner? I guess I don't understand why the market cap went from 200m to 100m immediately after the halt and has remained this way based on the first low ask after the halt.

Snippet of one of your earlier posts after the sunrise halt:
"And actually the PPS was brought down in the first minutes because of how the quoting system works after a NASDAQ Halt and before Time & Sales (Trading) resumed. Someone was first in putting in a Low Ask and as a consequence all Bids, not allowed to cross the market, had to be below it."

This is the part of your post I'm trying to understand because I never thought the market cap could drop to 100 M even on negative sunrise news due to cash on hand, revenue of avid, and the value of their 145 world wide patents. Yet here we sit with a 94 M market cap, 21% less than our actual stockholder equity.


04/02/17 8:42 PM

#293333 RE: Protector #255239

Theory 1 – the Bavituximab strategic surprise shortcut to marked

We all were looking at DEC 2016 for SUNRISE unblinding, therefore also all PPHM competitors that would suffer consequences from a SUNRISE new high MOS record will have been planning with that date in mind. PPHM always said: First look-in only for futility, 2nd starting H2/2016 possibly for efficacy.

But if you design a trial as such that you kind of illicit a FUTILITY advice, knowing you can at that point chose to stop or continue anyway, then by stopping you could surprise everyone and have FAST access to data of SUNRISE. Data that is clean and not tempered with and can be used for BTD. The FDA already allows BTD based on early stage trials. Here PPHM has data on 582 enrolled patients, has at least 1000 proves of safety (which with BTD weights MUCH more because if the FDA grants a short-cut they must at least make sure it is safe).

In this strategy we do not need to wait for unblinding and analysis till DEC with processing in Q1/2017 and filing to the FDA with a 6 month response window due to Fast Track. Actually the FDA probably has already acknowledged most of the SUNRISE BLA data under that Fast Track interaction of all the non-SUNRISE related data (PI/PII/etc that all need to be part of a BLA after PIII).

If this was a strategy (I mean if this stop has been part of PPHM chosen path to approval by interrupting and requesting BTD) then it is BRILLIANT. Unfortunately some temporary side effects on the PPS that we will have to endure comes with it but PPHM is known for doing what it has to do without any consideration of the effect on the stock price and CEO King has said that with so many words years ago in an interview. I some up what is in my mind:

- Garnick explicitly saying he doesn't like the BTD path (on annual meeting) – putting competition on the wrong foot? He will have said that elsewhere too!

- Garnick explaining us the complete PRO-grade approval procedure of SUNRISE (annual) preparing us all, an steering competition, towards 2017.

- Trial design which with hindsight does indeed solicit Futility (and Garnick will have known that while still keeping the continue option open)

- CEO King: Ah, a BTD wouldn't we all want that? (Quarterly/CC) – no Steve, Garnick said so!

- PPHM's surprises strategy record (salvage, PPHMP, Collaborations AS/MSK/NCCN, Dart Financing,…) each time bypassing the problem of the moment (low pps, no partners, etc) as if they anticipated it.

I think PPHM is aware that it will be fought and countered by several parties that see Bavituximab as a disruptive drug/molecule. I posted specifically about it here.. Hence they anticipate that the PPS will be under lid and that there will be not much goodwill for any partnering/collaboration in type of deals that would provide cash to PPHM unless a firm grip on Bavituximab is given back. The 2012 banker reaction must have opened their eyes! No time to prove something just immediate and sudden retraction of the loan that could have killed PPHM if we would not have had the ATM.

So now they anticipate. No one saw PPHMP coming and at that time it provided the needed funding. No one saw Dart coming (and it couldn't leak because PPHM dealt directly with Easter Capital), nobody probably expected that PPHM could salvage the PII (because they should have been without the financial means to do it). And now, nobody could see coming the BTD torpedo that would hack all planning of BP’s expecting Bavi on the marked with improved SOC in Mid 2017 in two.

But one thing is for sure: If PPHM doesn't want out of CHEMO+Bavi as is my 2nd theory explained below, then they will not just throw all the Docetaxel+Bavituximab data from PI till SUNRISE away and will use the other paths. The BTD is then the candidate by excellence. With a FAILED SUNRISE, normal Controal arm and Bavi arm only a few weeks better, BTD would not be any option any more because you cannot file for one AFTER a PIII. Stepping out now is the surprise move because now the PIII data is sufficiently available.

CP, I liked Theory 1 and one hell of a post to review we could have multiple BTDs announced, with Sunrise data backing it all up...

I hope everyone reads your entire post ....and I still say there must be others with 5%+ holdings we don't see yet


10/21/17 4:08 PM

#314935 RE: Protector #255239

CP, it may soon be time to discuss those initial thoughts after Sunrise stopped and BTD seems about a guarantee now with the latest Sunrise facts of MOS not reached for those patients that had Bavi...(immune system primed ...) and then moving towards another IO drug

We should be sitting back at 2012 $5.40 levels...about $37.80 pps

....I wonder when Peregrine filed for BTD .... a BP not worrying about Bavi+Doce FDA approval but they have some more importantly safety data in how the immune system should be primed before IO treatments like Opdivo or Keytruda....or with Biomarkers it may be proven that FDA should allow BTD for all to have the Bavi edge to prime ones immune system first ....


06/10/19 9:57 AM

#330598 RE: Protector #255239

PPHM-BAVITUXIMAB-SUNRISE in total perspective


On Thirsday, during after-hours, PPHM stopped the SUNRISE clinical trial based on a futility advice of the IDMC (Independent Data Monitoring Commission). There are many reasons for futility. For instance it could be that the drug under investigation doesn't work or works poorly compared to the goals set in the trial design.

In the case of SUNRISE there was no problem with the drug under investigation, Bavituximab, but an anomaly in the Control arm – the people that get SOC Docetaxel+Placebo – showing that those people lived much longer then what was expected in the SUNRISE trial design. And hence, if the IDMC sees that the control arm outperforms it will at a certain point conclude that compared with the GOALS set for the Bavi arm patients to outlive the control arm by two months (SOC+2) becomes impossible or unlikely. Hence the advice to stop the trial for futility.

So futility is a GENERAL term, which is seldom even used in the IDMC letters, to say to a sponsor (PPHM): There is little or no chance that if you run this clinical trial to the end you will reach the end-points. You should stop the trial. And that is what PPHM did.

Now, has anyone else requested the list of all IDMC members on Sunrise ? Even some that were once possibly on the IDMC and then were not or pulled off for any reason or all involved in knowing the data that was in hand

Very interesting Merckly times we live here


DMCs should be utilized for all randomized trials, especially trials that utilize important clinical endpoints such as survival or cancer progression. The safety of the patients and integrity of the trial are the primary focal points during interim data collection. Access to confidential data must be carefully managed by experienced and non-conflicted IDMC members whose expertise spans both clinical and statistical issues. Guidance for sponsors on these issues has been established by respected agencies, including the FDA.


08/29/20 7:48 AM

#335006 RE: Protector #255239

An IDMC (Independent Data Monitoring Commission) committee message

OK so now more and more investors agree the business model of Peregrine Pharmaceuticals - now Avid Bioservices includes milestones and royalties for PS Targeting and the range is from Millions to Billions for that 15% royalty on IP asset transfer contract that is still in question due to ... well, we will get there

In the meantime, as investigations continue I liked bleedpurple line of “PS Targeting is REAL”

I would say a real pain in the A$$ for Merck

Let us walk back on the IP asset transfer as being told “ no real interest in PS Targeting “ yet Oncologie was found and immediately Merck all of a sudden gained interest again : ) WHY?

As CEO Laura Benjamin publicly stated ...the patients in Merck’s Keytruda trial lived longer than all others that did not have their immune systems primed with Bavitiuximab from the Sunrise trial that was stopped by the IDMC

The facts are Merck knows how good PS Targeting work — so well that patients live much longer!

Guess who were all the members were from the Sunrise trial - IDMC ? I think some would find it of interest and of interest who pays them prior to that IDMC and after what jobs some received and which payroll they are on !

Let’s not forget Adam Yopp on Merck’s payroll

Let’s pick this apart from the beginning and all will find out how big and real PS Targeting truly is — and you think Merck or other BP interests would have wanted PS Targeting approved back in sabotage of 2012? Or a clever sabotage of Sunrise trial with IDMC stopping trial ?

Biomarkers and patents are worth BILLIONS for speedy FDA trials that will one day work with medical devices worn everyday

Merck payroll stretches globally ...but hey, we are making progress as PS Targeting was real in 2004 and more real in 2012 and real in 2020

Maybe Morgan Stanley investors will ask some additional clever questions unless Laura Benjamin has an emergency lol as Dr Jedd Wolchok once has when he was about to come forward with “real PS Targeting info “

It is also real that Dr Jedd Wolchok has ACTIVE PENDING PS TARGETING drugs patent pending but they never input that patient data into IBM Watson Health ..did they?