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02/26/16 7:46 PM

#103603 RE: Chompiee #103602

Agree..."soon" is insufficient in whatever context, form, or definition you give it when it's attached to things that should have already been delivered. People are just tired of hearing it...period.
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02/26/16 8:10 PM

#103609 RE: Chompiee #103602

Just so you know Chomp I agree with this 100%.
Here is a line from my most recent communication with Ben...

Seems to me that not speaking in October/November and not having a CC would have been the better move

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02/26/16 9:08 PM

#103613 RE: Chompiee #103602

Kim is terrible at giving projections.

And the Market (for the most part) has chilled to the stock, with each and every missed projection.

People tend to pay attention and the Market, while being "forgiving" at times....

Doesn't forget.

Blessings to All