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02/25/16 2:32 AM

#289941 RE: 100% CORRECT DD #289939

The *key* is to look for a person dressed like this

That will signal the start of generational wealth for all. When they start dishing out that softserve from the retort the disruptional technology will be realized.


02/25/16 9:14 AM

#289943 RE: 100% CORRECT DD #289939

which day is zero volume aka Thursday with mkt yet open or Wednesday .. when *factual* volume was 12500) ?

anyone with interest can see just how many days since 2016 got underway ~12500 was *volume* ;)

answer = 6

that is 6 days out of 36 *trading days* that only 12500 *shows* in 2016 .. ;)


as for the *plant* .. since only the *lab* is (has been) operational .. with 2 and 3 *not* for over 2 years
but clearly either/or/both 2 or 3 .. becoming operational would require an 8K being filed .. which mgmt
has no issues supplying .. as evidenced by last week's 8K .. which was informative for those asking ... :)

the only DD that is 100% *correct* is P2O's mgmt .. all the rest is SMB *speculation*

what is factually correct is that whomever *started* the set up of EOY 2015's *reset* for the 52 week low
did so by *showing* 12500 (or a combo of 12500) since late August 2015 .. based on the knowledge
of the TA cutting a 3M cert (mid Aug 2015) and CEs' mistaken belief that those *legit* sells would commence *shortly*

what wasn't factored .. was actual P2O investors' queue queries .. in place having to be addressed which
took *time* up thru mid Feb 2016 to be resolved ..

that abusive hole now measures over 1.5M *shares* .. added to prior undertakings in place since Dec 2009's 1M *haul*

conservatively PTOI's *abusive short* is 30M~

which is why *math matters* and why 2010's volume of 20M~ on par with 2015's volume of 22M~
but with the dollar volume on those trades having a difference of approximately $37M ~

had the overlapping CEs' been successful in parting LEGIT PTOI shares of significance from
actual P2O investors .. PTOI's *daily* volume *trading* (wishy/washy included) would be averaging
500,000 daily .. it's why if P2O's mgmt is *aware* of PTOI's stock manipulation .. and wants to exploit
that *timing* by disrupting the status quo (my term for company's intent of 2016 not replicating 2015)
it doesn't get much better than early March 2016

the reason being is very simple .. 10c is the 52 week *high* (3.6.15) .. with that *round* then held in what i call
a fairly tight range .. until the set up kicks in for EOY 2015 .. in Mid August 2015

many may not know one reason CEs' *slice and dice* an OTCs' PPS .. is that *currently* .. there are many
B/Ds .. who will not allow *buys* into a sub 25c or sub 10c stock .. only SELLS .. it's just another handy
weapon in the CEs' arsenal .. and if one is *stuck* due to their original choice of a B/D and wants to switch
they usually CANT carry over an OTC stock with a sub 10c PPS .. if they go to open another account

this manipulation of all targeted OTC stox/co.s has never been *retail* .. but it's clearly been lucrative and
very well organized

the issue that becomes *key* (besides .. actual shareholders ... volume .. wash traded included and
understanding why a PPS has to be *reset* specific to what round re: cycle of money is in play) is if
the targeted OTC company can actually survive .. so far P2O has .. and they have done so with an
enviable IO (SS) .. as they enter 2016

what needs to be determined with ECO's non extension .. but still interested and viable *clientele*
is how they get handled going forward because clearly it's an issue of *financing* ... which means that
respective aspect has to be addressed .. if that is the route that P2O goes

as noted frequently .. P2O isn't selling 20c widgets .. rather a disruptive tech that works .. in an emerging sector

one of the reasons i suspect 2016 won't replicate 2015 .. is due to *feedback* >> to P2O's mgmt
as also noted frequently here .. *feedback* encompasses all levels with a start up in transition
that would include .. interested parties/potential clients .. OBG .. and shareholders
.. and that is why my expectation for what comes to pass in 2016 is very different than 2015's *extensions*

the specifics .. we all get to read together .. but i liked the first start of getting rid of the lease of the recycling facility

i find it repugnant what *transpired* there specific to bad actors in place (along with P2O) in 2012/2013
who padded their own pockets .. at the expense of all P2O investors

i look forward to 3 aspects in 2016

1) .. P2O's (company) disruption of the status quo
2) .. documenting how PTOI (stock) is handled
3) .. actual P2O committed investors undertaking *discovery* because they can

i've said for years .. there is a book/movie *here* .. it is very rare for a heavily and abusively targeted company/stock on the OTC to SURVIVE

and while rare .. what is even more *rare* is the overlapping CEs' inability to part shares .. with said
targeted company holding less than 125M IO .. it could be 200M IO

bottom line is at this stage .. *all* who SURVIVE .. have either a blown out SS (1 - 2 BILLION)
or have undergone the requisite R/S that is almost always immediately re-shorted to pre R/S PPS Levels

it's the rigged game and it's why *documentation* actually does matter if the targeted OTC company like

here's to what P2O files next
