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02/23/16 10:06 AM

#30722 RE: w1104 #30721

DIVIDEND PAYOUT , I'm betting this will happen in a few years.


02/23/16 11:30 AM

#30756 RE: w1104 #30721

Im going to get 15% returns in on Monday when I transfer my holdings from my TFSA to my RRSP in the form of tax credits - then when me and/or my wife reaches retirement age the funds of the original capital plus dividend payouts reinvested will be available to pay for advanced medical treatments.

eventually they are going to figure out head transplants, Im thinking CGC could get in on that too eventually, so that old people can get their heads transplanted on to younger bodies, but it is going to cost money to make, raise and care for your clone body double in preparation for the procedure - need harvested eggs, cloning, surrogate pregnancy - and that's just the beginning, this is going to cost a lot - ethically it is messed up to raise a clone of yourself knowing you are going to chop off it's head so you can have a nice new younger body again - but we will give them a nice life while they grow up and stuff, they won't have any responsibilities or anything

anyways, that's where I see this corporation going in the long term, hopefully anyways, because if not then i am pretty sure I am going to die and it doesn't really matter anyways - this investing thing is depressing but im an optimist, I need some Tweed