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02/20/16 1:54 PM

#329701 RE: big-yank #329699

But that´s just it big-yank, you don´t provide any productive discussion with fellow shareholders, you just wind them up with your misinformed quotes and half truths and annoy them!
You´ve met your match many a time on this board and you´re meeting it again with obiterdictum, "Hail Caesar".
Don´t mess with the best,cos the best don´t mess!
Enjoy your weekend.
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Mikey Mike

02/20/16 1:59 PM

#329702 RE: big-yank #329699

So, don't hand me no lies and just keep your thoughts to yourself...

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02/20/16 2:13 PM

#329707 RE: big-yank #329699

I don't have a law clerk. So let's just say its my opinion after reading this and many other published accounts from multiple sources and paraphrased into my words. No reply necessary. Sorry I wasted both my time and yours hoping for some productive discussion that might benefit shareholders, including me as a substantial investor in FNMA preferred.

A law clerk is not needed to read through 5 pages of text.

Simply, copy and paste the text in the brief (or other briefs) that was used to produce this paraphrasing:. "The defense alternatively points out that the novelty of their contributing one of the largest monetary bailouts in history imposes a unique, additional element to the agreement between Fannie Mae and the government, one that justifies barring of future derivative suits."

Then, support for the statement made can be had by all.