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02/21/16 10:40 PM

#24235 RE: Newtoscrc #24234

All in all, a good week. Seems accumulation is occurring in anticipation of the 2015 filings. Looking at other places, revenue "could" of been around the $30M mark for 2015. If that is the case and they were profitable, the PPS will pop quite nicely.

Yes, last week was a good week, just like we have had other "good weeks" that had no staying power.

There are no "big buyers" here. No TUTs. Never have been. My goodness, only approx $50k traded least week, and only approx $80k over the past 2 weeks (and we haven't even traded as many shares as we did compared to the nearly identical short-lived run from last NOV-DEC when similar pumps and claims of "big buyers" flooded the public space. Pretty pathetic "big buyers" if you ask me. No, the buyers (and sellers) were only traders -- and non-disclosing paid promoters such as SCRC's officially endorsed homophobic criminal JOSEPH ZAMPETTI (aka "Celtics2014" out on other public platforms where he continues to engage in securities fraud by pumping SCRC w/o disclosing the fact that he has been compensated to do so). "True longs" are either still hopelessly underwater or have traded their way into a nice core position of free-rolling shares. No real middle ground here.

No true long who has claimed to have held everything from when the sp was between .20-1.00 (heck, even from the teens) and never sold/traded but yet touts gleefully about how great it is that the sp has moved from .02x to .04 only proves that they are traders. No true long would be thrilled by this as it would only mean that their loss is now 95% instead of 96%.

Criminal non-disclosing paid pumpers like JOEY Z and the rest of the CORE con artists who have claimed to have held for years but yet are thrilled at the movement from .02 to .04 only continue to indict themselves and prove that they had lied about holding and never selling/trading.

The sp has moved in lockstep with technical indicators, just like it has been for years. There are no fundamentals for SCRC. But that does not mean there is not money to be made trading or speculating in the stock. The current run reflects the strength of the technical indicators over the past 1-2 weeks and it will be interesting to see where this wave breaks. Smart retail market participants have known how to play SCRC for a long time now.

The 2015 10K is meaningless from an annual financial numbers perspective; the only value will be the MD&A, the Subsequent Events disclosure, and the updated Share Structure. The Q1'15 and Q2'15 10Q's will be equally meaningless as those numbers are pre-CVS departure. We need to wait to see the Q3 10Q as well as the Q4 stand-alone numbers from the 10K in order to establish a baseline from which the foundation of fundamentals can be formed. Q3 and Q4 revenues and earnings numbers -- and not the full year 2015 numbers -- are what you want to look at to assess whether SCRC has found a way to be profitable or not.

If 2015 ends up reporting $30M in revenues, retail market participants should remember that approx $20M of it was from periods prior to the loss of CVS, so this is why it is misleading to simply look at the annual number -- and is why looking strictly at this annual number is what the Section 17(b)-violating CORE criminals led by JOSEPH ZAMPETTI continue to try to get you to do. Just like in Greek mythology, don't be lured by the song of the sirens. Instead, look at the facts and remember JOEY Z and the CORE's favorite mantras and you will be fine:

* Bad news is good news and a moonshot is imminent!
* No news is good news and a moonshot is imminent!
* Neutral news is good news and a moonshot is imminent!
* Good news is the best news ever and a moonshot is imminent!

Continued GLTA...