Risky but 700m A/S and should get some financials near end of month.
Let's reword that to: Might get bogus non-Audited financials which means nothing near end of month... if Porter feels like it.
The OTC Market Group has always claimed (e.g. tried to scare the scammers into paying them the site posting fee)with: If OTC filings aren't up to date, they can't dump. As though no public info would mean the insiders are trading (dumping) on inside info. Then again, the SEC doesn't review OTC garbage filings. Yet to find any example where the SEC brought charges for insider trading based on missing OTC filings.
If Porter feels intimidated by the OTC MG claim then he'll file some bogus unaudited crud. Else he'll get around to it whenever he feels like it. If nothing else having a filing helps the PR pumps. Then again, he is boring everyone by having no PRs. Not even lead in generic ones to prime the pump. Despite 195M shares no longer restricted, ready for Porter and affiliates to dump.
Com'on Porter, we need a little comedy. How about another R/S 1:100? Bottled hemp oil beverage? Buy a potato farm in Arizona? Loop back to mining? zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz