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02/18/16 4:31 PM

#46152 RE: trevorbc #46150

no, I did not phone companies. I have an education and know this stat does not make any sense. Performance for sure does decline, but the not any where near 0 in five years, more like 10%.

Just like the comment of what qdot cells can do...laughable. Who has field tested a QDOT doped cell for 20 years to say they will improve the lifetime of a silicon cell? It would stand to reason, that a thinner, R2R cell the and the more excitons moving through lattice may even acclerate the life cycle drain, but I DON'T KNOW THIS.

HELL NO I don't believe everything managment feeds its shareholders. It is not a religion, belief is not required. I want proof of anything these dudes have been yammerin about for 7 You argue we have the best dot out there....great QMC should show the sale of them! You argue that we are going to make the next big thing in solar...great QMC should show us the prototype they have been working on all these long years! These big mysterious JV and JDA are just talk and can be easily dissolved. Look, we all want to be right about our investments...especially the long holds, but to just believe?

I will be contacting the company about profits being recorded with QMC or QMCA. If they tell me QMCA, I will very quickly pull my shares, because I don't see the point. Even if they come to terms with Nitto, will those dots come from Hong Kong as well? If this is the case, then how does our bottom line ever improve and benefit the common shareholders.

p.s. Thanks again for you guidance concerning my investment, but it is none of your business with what I do with my shares.