Banro Co. (BAA) Short Interest Down 23.3% in January
February 17th, 2016 - By Maddie Sorensen - 0 comments
Banro Co. (NYSE:BAA) was the target of a large decline in short interest during the month of January. As of January 29th, there was short interest totalling 371,060 shares, a decline of 23.3% from the January 15th total of 483,592 shares,Analyst Ratings.Net reports. Based on an average trading volume of 723,973 shares, the days-to-cover ratio is currently 0.5 days. Currently, 0.2% of the shares of the stock are short sold.
Banro (NYSE:BAA) opened at 0.2027 on Wednesday. Banro has a one year low of $0.14 and a one year high of $0.40. The firm’s market capitalization is $51.11 million. The company has a 50 day moving average price of $0.18 and a 200-day moving average price of $0.19.