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Replies to post #1419 on Cancer

Replies to #1419 on Cancer


02/16/16 9:18 PM

#1420 RE: excel #1419

"Another yacht"? How about another country. They own the USA House and Senate, control the FDA. I am sure you we meaning that by yacht :-)


02/17/16 12:43 AM

#1422 RE: excel #1419

excel thank you, but you kidding me Come on now Bob .............

How do you expect them to make buy another yacht if you keep educating people about the biggest drug cartel there is?

Bro excel, you know Johanna Budwig is an Angel and continue > to help
her sisters and brothers > ex.
what I and you write about her - its her Spirit behind us -
to help our sisters and brothers - for She followed Bro Jesus
and continue His message -
He told us to do - what He did - She still do -

She Cured All Forms Cancer and Now Her ‘Industry Suppressed Protocol’ Is Going Viral (Video)
Monday, February 15, 2016 8:06
- She Love us as He -
- God Bless -
- Amen -


02/20/16 10:28 PM

#1424 RE: excel #1419

How To Make Alkaline Water To Get Rid Of Toxins And Prevent The Occurrence Of Cancer?
December 29, 2015

Do you drink bottled water when you are thirsty?
To grab the bottle and just drink the water is quite easy, but
the chemicals that enter your body are seriously harmful.

Acidity and alkalinity are measured according to the pH value.
Pure rain water has a pH of 7 and it is considered to be neutral.
Every pH value below 7 is acidic, and the values above seven
are considered to be alkaline.

However, when it comes to the pH of the human body, we cannot
discuss over a pH of the entire body.
For example, human skin has a pH of about 5.5 (slightly acidic).

On the other hand, the pH of the saliva ranges from 6.5 to 7.4
(it varies on both sides of the neutral).
The digestive tract has a pH ranging from 1.5 to 7.0,
depending on the stage of digestion.

When you are healthy, the blood pH ranges from 7.35 to 7.45
(slightly alkaline). Your body maintains the balance mostly through
the kidneys and lungs.
However, chronic imbalance depletes the strength of your body.
If you drink alkaline water, it will provide a high level of hydration, and numerous other health benefits.

Antioxidant properties: Alkaline water is an antioxidant that can
resist free radicals which can cause premature aging and other adverse
Also, it is believed that if you drink alkaline water, you can prevent
the occurrence of cancer.
Characteristics of purification: Alkaline water cleans the organs in
the body, especially the colon. When the colon is filled with toxins,
they become poisonous for our body, and alkaline water cleans
precisely these toxins from the body.
If you keep the colon clean and free of toxins, you will reduce the
chances of getting stomach viruses, colds and other related diseases.
Physical appearance: Alkaline water rejuvenates the skin and keeps it
It helps the skin tissue and contributes to the elasticity of the skin.
Drinking alkaline water also helps to get rid of excess weight as it
helps the body to break down fatty acids in the body.
So, drinking alkaline water brings great advantages, but if you purchase
it, it can be quite expensive.
Instead of the bottled alkaline water, you can prepare it by yourself.

Cancer cells cannot live in Alkaline water

Alkaline water is really, really powerful.
The surveillance system in our body is responsible for the pH balance,
and it removes any strong acidic remains without damaging the healthy

However, if the burden becomes too “heavy,” the result can be
detrimental to your health.
Body hydration is a reason more why you should choose alkaline water.
Your system easily absorbs the alkaline water, and hydrates the body
even more, which leads to improvement in the overall health and well-

Remember, your brain is 90% water … choose to protect it, like the rest
of your body, happy and cancer-free.

Here is how …

How to prepare Alkaline water:


Full container of filtered water (2L)

Two organic lemons

2 tablespoon Himalayan salt


In the container with filtered water, add the lemons, previously
carefully cut them in quarters (make sure you don’t squeeze them).
Add the Himalayan salt, cover the container and let it stay overnight
at room temperature.
Then your Alkaline water is ready for drinking! Enjoy!


Drink 3 glasses of the water in the morning, on an empty stomach,
before eating or drinking anything else.

This drink will help you to achieve the perfect alkaline balance in
the body. You should start consuming it immediately, your body will
be grateful.
- God Bless -


04/06/16 6:15 AM

#1471 RE: excel #1419

excel well, Jesus became alive again after His death -


Jesus Christ Kristus, has died and is risen again long ago.
Risen means: remained not dead, but have come from the grave, alive again -
- Love You -
- God Bless -
- Amen -.


04/12/16 11:56 AM

#1475 RE: excel #1419

Bro excel thank you, Medical marijuana takes off in Israel -

Even though Israel enforces a strict ban on recreational use of
marijuana, Israeli doctors have prescribed it to more than 25,000
Israelis to alleviate their symptoms -,7340,L-4783899,00.html

Hemp, Cannabis and Marijuana: What’s the Difference -

Jesus alive cannabis healing documentary -

Try some delicious Christ!
"Just as the life force of an animal is contained in it's blood,
so are the life force of plants contained in their beverages,
concentrates and essential oils. When the spirits of these plants
are personified by a patron Deity, the beverage or essential oil
then becomes the "blood" or "milk" of that God or Godess which
embodies all the life giving and other supernatural and magical
virtues of these most sacred substances."
Marijuana oil is the Blood of Christ. Jesus is the personification
of this great plant of renown.
The story of Jesus is parable for how to grow, cultivate and make the
Blood of Christ. Quotes from the Gospel of Thomas to spice things
up a bit.
Is this not the secret of all secrets?
Plants have spirits, plants were here first before humans,
Jesus said, "If the flesh came into being because of spirit,
that is a marvel, but if spirit came into being because of the body,
that is a marvel of marvels.
"It will not come by watching for it. It will not be said,
'Look, here!' or 'Look, there!'
Rather, the Father's kingdom is spread out upon the earth, and
people don't see it."
The Kingdom of Heaven is the plant kingdom.
Created and made by Father God remedies for our healing -

The best option for those who wants marijuana to be legalized in the U.S. and
for all marijuana lovers in general - -

- -
- - - Love You - God Bless -
- Amen -


04/18/16 2:37 AM

#1476 RE: excel #1419

A Woman with Stage 4 Cancer That Has Only 90 days to Live Encountered Jesus and Recieved a Miracle -
Stage IV Cancer Healed!

Published on Sep 14, 2015
Shirley was told she had 90 days to live after she was diagnosed
with stage IV cancer.
Instead of accepting the death sentence,
Shirley believed God would heal her.

Father God made all the remedies for us -
pray and find it -

Wormwood paired with iron killed 98 percent of breast cancer cells!

In terms of cancer, wormwood has made headlines due to its profound ability
to fight already developed cancer and allow the body to heal itself.
One study found that artemisinin derived from the wormwood plant paired
with iron killed 98 percent of breast cancer cells in 16 hours!

- Love You -
- God Bless -
- Amen -

Laura, yes I pray for you -
I know Jesus Kristus will cure you also -
stay away from any chemo killers!